SmileTutor Blog Parents Parenting Tips 10 Best History Apps of 2019 to Get Your Child Interested in History

10 Best History Apps of 2019 to Get Your Child Interested in History

History is a fascinating subject that kids could learn from. History introduces to them what life was like back in the past, the pioneers who helped build society as we see them today and learn more about the history of the world we live in.

However, reading facts about history through books I feel can be a bit boring. Documentaries can also bore some kids out.

If you want to give your kids a better way to learn history from all over the world, here are 10 history apps you can download for them:

World History for Kids

Do you want a primer on major historical events, from the beginning of time to the current period? If that is yes, you should download the World History for Kids app.

This app has several sections on key historical events and narrates them with an audiovisual presentation. They even have interactive clues, extra tidbits, maps, charts and other details about the events, as well as a timeline to help the child trace when it happened. Each historical period is organized through themes and in chronological order.

Some of the events that are covered in the app include the First and Second World War, the French Revolution and the Industrial Revolution.

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BBC History Magazine

If you want your kids to learn about history in a different way, you should check out the articles posted at BBC History Magazine.

Every month, the app brings in some of the world’s top history experts to look back into historical events that shocked the world. They look into the personalities, the unknown trivia about these events and update users about the latest research about these events.

Aside from analysis and news, the app also includes ideas on how users can go on their own heritage visits and current events.

Timeline – World History

History is best narrated with pictures and with Timeline – World History, your kids will surely learn a lot.

Through this app, kids can travel to the time of the dinosaurs to current events and see what happened in vivid pictures.

Aside from pictures, the app comes with surprising information about these events and the people behind them. There is even a general knowledge section where you can learn new trivia about these events.

Civilisations AR

Do you want to take a closer look at some of the most famous artefacts from history?

BBC’s Civilizations AR will bring to you these artefacts by opening the app and giving you a 3D look at these artefacts without having to go to a museum to see them. From paintings to ancient pieces from Egypt, the app has it.

The app also has mini trivia and data about these pieces so you can understand them better.

History Quiz for Kids

Want to test your history knowledge and learn more about it?

History Quiz for Kids is a fun way to try out what you know about history. The app has several sections where you can review about key figures and events in history before you take on the quiz.

Each question comes with illustrations to help kids learn more about the event being asked.

World War One – WW1 For Kids

World War One is a very extensive topic and it can be difficult for kids to learn everything about it through reading.

With this app, users can look into the key events that took place during the war, understand the life of the people who experienced it, and learn how animals became involved in the war.

It also comes with interactive maps, charts and other resources to help explain the war.

GCSE History

If your child is taking their GCSE, this app will help them with their preparations for the history portion of the test.

The app was created by a special team of teachers who would like to help kids revise for their GCSEs.

It covers European History before and after the two World Wars, the development of the superpowers, Cold War, the Great Depression and other key events in modern history.

At least 1500 questions are in the app and each has their own explanation about the topic.

History for Kids: All Civilizations Games Premium

Want to help your kids learn more about the Ancient World?

This premium app transforms history into an adventure game as it takes users through various time periods and civilizations. There are games, videos and activities in each section to help kids learn about history.

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The app even comes with the history of several notable countries like Japan, China and India.

Timeline of Inventions

Is your child curious as to who invented the internet? Who invented fire? Who created the Big Ben?

This app will help your kids learn about the various inventions that shook the world since they were invented.

From the time man discovered fire to the space explorations, this app has the facts and the images for your kids to learn from.

Kings & Queens: 1,000 Years of British Royal History

British history is very extensive and its list of monarchs can be quite complicated to remember.

With this app, you can look at the various portraits of British rulers for the past 1,000 years and learn more about them. Each portrait comes with an easy-to-read description of their history and what they are known for.

There are even stories that are included that links certain monarchs together.


Learning about history can be done in various ways. Apps such as the ones above can give your child a primer on why these events changed our lives and why it is important to learn from them.

History has a lot of lessons to teach us and sometimes, you would be surprised to know that certain events had happened because of simple reasons.

If your child needs help with history, it may be a great idea to engage a history tutor. Smiletutor provides the best history tutors at at affordable rate. Click here to find out more.

Want to make learning fun for your kids? These articles will help you:

Great History Channel TV Shows for Your Kids
How to Make Learning History Interesting at Home?

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.