SmileTutor Blog Tutors Tutoring Tips Which Teaching Style Works Best for Tutors?

Which Teaching Style Works Best for Tutors?


As a tutor, it is crucial for you to engage your student during your lessons. The aim is to stimulate students’ passion for learning and make lessons easy to understand.

This is why there are various teaching styles for you to adopt to make tuition sessions more enjoyable and meaningful for both you and your student.

I have consolidated the five styles of teaching to help you understand them. We will see which style would most suit you in a tuition session!

Understanding The Five Styles of Teaching

1) Authority Style


Authority styles are usually very teacher-centered and involve minimal students participation.

Older students may find it easier to keep up as lectures will be lengthy and require them to memorise information.

As a tutor, you will notice that with this teaching style, there will be a less personal connection with your student.

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It may not be a bad thing as long as the student can learn!

2) Delegator Style


Many group tuition tutors will be familiar with the delegator teaching style as it allows students to lead discussions.

Students get into groups to come up with solutions together while the tutor takes a backseat. With this style, students are able to gain new perspectives or answers from their fellow peers.

If you are mostly engaging in one-to-one tuition sessions, this may not be suitable for you.

3) Facilitator Style


Facilitator styles involve more student participation as students explore and come up with solutions independently.

As a tutor, your job is to come up with lessons for students to utilize their critical thinking skills to solve problems. This style promotes a lot of self-learning.

If you prefer to let your students think out of the box instead of memorising facts, this style might suit you!

4) Demonstrator Style


Similar to the authority style, demonstrator styles are usually teacher-centered.

As a tutor, you teach your students using activities and demonstrations.

You might use this style if you teach subjects that involve more practical understanding, like Science or Mathematics.

5) Hybrid Style


Many tutors adopt this approach as they prefer to tailor their teaching style to the student’s needs and learning styles. You will have to know each of your students well in order to adopt this style.

You will also need to be prepared to come up with more extra remedial lessons for students who may still struggle with understanding your lesson. Best part about hybrid teaching style is that it is so inclusive since every students’ learning needs will be considered.

The disadvantage of it is students may be confused with the blending of so many different teaching styles and you may become more tired than usual. But practice makes perfect!


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Although there are various teaching styles, there is still no correct answer to which one is the best. Experiment with different styles and mix and match to see what works best for you.

Adopt or develop one that helps your students the most.

We hope that this helps you understand the different teaching styles. Let us know yours!

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.