SmileTutor Blog Students Advice For Students Top Tips for Writing an Argumentative Essay

Top Tips for Writing an Argumentative Essay

You would have been introduced to argumentative essays in Secondary School and whether or not you have been liking them so far, writing argumentative essays can help you to score, once you master the art of persuasion.

Being able to write a good argumentative essay showcases your ability to back your opinions up with relevant facts and persuasive language. It will be useful for you even beyond your examinations.

Want to know how you can improve on your argumentative essays? We compiled some tips that will help you to quickly master the most important aspects of argumentative essays.


If you are in an exam setting, you will not be able to do research during the paper. That is why it is important for you to always stay updated on the current world and local affairs and common topics. Try to remember key statistics and information.

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If you’re not writing in an exam, the internet is your best friend. Search for credible facts, statistics and quotations from reliable sources such as our locally owned news. Numbers prove a point best! But make sure that your sources can be trusted.

Choose a Topic that you’re Most Passionate and Knowledgeable about

Always choose the topic that resonates with you the most because when you have strong opinions on a topic, it will naturally reflect in your writing. Don’t be afraid to use your personal voice to take on your beliefs and perspectives because those are what will make an argumentative essay stand out from the usual listicles.

Plan Before You Start

As the saying goes: if you fail to plan, you plan to fail! Many students make the mistake of jumping into their essays without proper planning.

Analyse the topic very carefully and highlight the major keywords because you can be heavily penalised if you go off-topic. Make sure that you are able to answer every aspect of the topic question.

Write down your viewpoints for both sides of the argument and determine which stand of yours is stronger.

Draft an Outline

Plan out the points that you’re going to be using in your essay, and write down whatever relevant thoughts or phrases that come to your mind so that you don’t forget to use them. This will make your essay writing a lot easier later on!

Follow the Structure

  • Introduction
    • The introduction consists of the first paragraph or “hook” aimed at grabbing the reader’s attention, and a general overview of the argument that you take part in.
  • Thesis statement
    • Express your main idea and point of view on the subject in the most concise form possible. Ideally, it should be a single sentence no longer than 40 words.
  • Body paragraphs.
    • Each body paragraph should be dedicated to a single point. Follow the PEEL format for each paragraph.
    • Point (State your point.)
    • Evidence (Provide relevant evidence.)
    • Elaboration (Explain how your evidence supports your point.)
    • Link (Link it all back to your point and reiterate your stand.)
  • Rebuttal
    • The important thing about argumentative essays is that they deal with arguable ideas. You support a point of view in an argument that has other alternative perspectives but show intelligent consideration to the opposing viewpoints, and how you can counter them.)
  • Conclusion
    • Restate the point from your thesis statement and draw your conclusions from the facts that you have pointed out.)

Hook your Audience at the Start

First impression is everything, even for essays. The start of your essay should attract your reader to be intrigued to read on. Begin with an unusual fact or statistic that will immediately grasp their attention.

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Prove your Point using Various Approaches

Using different types of language styles can enhance your essay’s persuasiveness and keep your reader interested. You can use analogies, comparisons, juxtapositions, hypothetical situations, and more.

The human mind is also hard-wired to pay attention to stories and believe them, so utilise it to your benefit. Support your viewpoint with a narrative example, even if it’s your personal experience.

Manage your Time

If you are under a time constraint, plan out how much time you should be spending on writing each point. This will prevent you from rushing towards the end, making your essay sound inconsistent and ending weak. You should draw the matter to an effective close in your conclusion.

Check and Edit your essay

When you are busy pouring out your thoughts in your essay, it is easy for you to look past many errors and inconsistencies. That is why it is important to set aside time for proofreading.

Look out for the following after you are done writing your essay:

  • Spelling and grammatical errors
  • Paraphrasing (Try out this tool)
  • Logical flow
  • Coherent sentences
  • Consistent viewpoint and tone
  • Adherence to topic requirements
  • Points are supported by evidence
  • Weak arguments


Learning to craft effective argumentative essays is a useful skill that you can take away, regardless of what you may choose to pursue in the future.

If you find that you need extra help with your essays, you may benefit from hiring essay writers from a reliable writing agency. However, you should only use these model essays as a reference in order to not get into trouble with plagiarism.

Alternatively, you can look for an English tutor to guide you in refining your argumentative essay writing!

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.