SmileTutor Blog Students Advice For Students Things You Should Consider Before Changing Courses in Poly

Things You Should Consider Before Changing Courses in Poly


Choosing a poly course is hard. You want a course that you are passionate about and can succeed in.

But what if the course we chose turns out to be different from what we expected or we just don’t want to pursue it anymore?

So here is everything you should know about changing courses in poly.

Why Change Courses?


There are many reasons why we students change courses. Sometimes, it is the course itself. Or maybe due to personal circumstances.

Here are a few common reasons why we want to change courses:
1. Loss of passion or interest in the course
2. Unable to envision pursuing a career in the area after gaining more experience
3. Concerned about where the course would take us
4. The course is too much for us to handle (things like workload and our mental wellbeing)
5. After being exposed to the various disciplines in a general course, we prefer a more specialised course.

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Of course, you may have other reasons for changing courses, which is alright. But try to talk it out with a lecturer or a career counsellor to see if changing courses benefits you and your ideal career path.

What Should You Consider if You Plan to Change Courses?


Before setting your mind on changing courses, here are some things you need to consider.

Time spent in the course

This is one of the most important factors to consider before changing courses.

For example, if you are about a month into the course, your lecturers might question whether you made a rash decision. There are so many modules you have yet to explore, and quitting in the first month prevents you from doing that.

On the other hand, if you are in your third year and want to change courses, I’d say – stay. You are almost there. Just persevere for one more year and look for a course change in university instead.

Academic aptitude

If you are doing well in your course, you might want to reconsider your transfer.

Sometimes, we do well in fields we don’t enjoy. But it is good to know that an ‘A’ is hard to come by, especially in poly. Not to mention that there is no guarantee that you will do well in your desired course.

So before jumping the gun and submitting your transfer applications, take a look at your grades. If they are in the ‘A’s to ‘B’s range, stick around a bit longer. With good results comes good opportunities, so be on the lookout!

Meeting the cut-off point

When you apply for a course transfer, polytechnics don’t look out for your GPA.

Instead, they take into account your O’level results – your L1R4, to see if you meet the minimum requirement to get into your desired course.

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Some courses also require you to do well in specific subjects. If you didn’t do well in those, your transfer application is most likely to end up in vain. So make sure to do your research!

Job prospects

Following our passions and interests is great, except when we pursue them blindly without considering future prospects. We want a job that we enjoy, but we also need one that offers opportunities for career progression.

Instead of jumping the gun and transferring to any other course, do your research first and ask lecturers and alumni about their experiences and job prospects.

This way, you also get more insight into the course, reducing the chances of you wanting to transfer courses again.

What Are Some Alternatives?


After considering all these factors, are you still set on transferring courses? If not, then what other alternatives do you have?

You really don’t want to pursue your current course but transferring seems like a less viable solution (or if your transfer is rejected).

Here are some options that you have:
1. Change courses at university
2. Take on a part-time course alongside the one you’re in now.
3. Seek help from a career counsellor
4. Try joining masterclasses as they allow you to try out different skills and fields of expertise (for example, you can be in a media course but you can take part in a masterclass for writing children’s stories)

How Do You Change Courses?


Now, you are set; you have considered all of the above factors, and you are sure that transferring courses is the best option. All that is left is to actually transfer. So how do you do that?

Different polytechnics handle course transfers differently, so seek advice from your school’s Education & Career Guidance (ECG) counsellor and your lecturers. Especially if you want to make an internal transfer.

But, if you want to transfer to another polytechnic’s course, do note that you will have to withdraw from your current course and wait until the next admission exercise to apply – so the next Direct Admissions Exercise (DAE) or Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE).

For more relevant information, check out the polytechnic’s websites or contact them for further inquiries.


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Changing courses is a big thing (and I mean BIG). It has a significant impact on your life and future successes because it dictates the future opportunities you will have and what choices you have to make in the future.

If you are planning on changing courses, make sure you do your research and consider the different factors and reasons for transferring. This way, you are more likely to make a decision that benefits you in the long run.

I hope this article gives you more insight into changing courses in poly before you decide to send in your application. Good luck and all the best for your future endeavours!

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Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.