For many parents, we never really stop worrying about our children. We all want what is best for our precious children, from good grades to good health.
However, with the stress and workload ever-increasing for students, our growing children might be facing a higher mental strain than normal.
As parents, we might be concerned as to how to support our precious children as they adjust to an increased workload or expectations on their performance in school.
While we might rush to shelter our children from hardship, it is important to remember that learning how to cope with external stressors is a huge learning point in our children’s journey to maturity.
Just some food for thought, but perhaps emotional self-regulation or mental health coping tips is something that can be explored in schools, allowing children to learn coping skills from not just family, but educators as well.
Instead of coddling them, perhaps parents can focus on supporting their child’s mental health instead! Good mental health is important for overall well-being and development.
Here are five ways parents can support their child’s mental health:
Open Communication:
The first step in finding out how to appropriately support your child is to hear from them firsthand what they might need from you.
For example, in periods of high stress, some children respond better to more personal space.
Give them some time alone after school to relax, listen to music or engage in their hobbies. Other children might want the opposite, and spending more time with you than usual might help them unwind in the presence of safe and trusted company.
It is important for your child to know that they are safe and that what they need is being heard by you, their parent. After all, you are the first person that your child should turn to in tough times.
Encourage your child to express their thoughts and feelings openly. Create a safe and supportive environment where they feel comfortable talking about their emotions, fears, and concerns.
Listen actively, without judgment, and validate their feelings. When they are talking about their feelings about certain matters, no matter how trivial it may seem, do not dismiss their emotions.
What might seem like a simple spat between friends, for example, can be a source of great emotional upheaval for your child as their worldview expands.
Let them know that it’s okay to feel sad, anxious, or angry, and reassure them that you’re there to support them.
Promote Healthy Habits:
Sometimes, prevention is better than cure! Most children benefit greatly from keeping a stable routine, which ensures that even when the stress levels get high, their physical and mental well-being is still being taken care of.
Help your child develop healthy habits that support mental well-being. This includes ensuring they get enough sleep, eat nutritious meals, and engage in regular physical activity.
Not only does proper exercise and nutrition keep the body healthy, but a balanced diet promotes better brain function.
Adequate exercise also increases mental stamina and endorphins, allowing your child to push themselves that extra mile during crunch time without crashing.
Limit screen time and encourage activities that promote relaxation and stress relief, such as mindfulness, meditation, or spending time outdoors.
Many families in Singapore find that becoming more outdoorsy in their spare time can also help to promote bonding and prevent their children from being couch potatoes in the future.
Mums and dad, if you need any more incentive to start working out, here you go!
Teach Coping Skills:
Even with a properly established routine, sometimes the buildup of external stressors and pressures can be too great.
When that becomes the case, it is important for children to be able to deal with negative emotions in a healthy and non-self-destructive manner.
Equip your child with coping skills to manage stress and navigate difficult emotions. Teach them techniques such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or visualization.
They should also be comfortable with feeling negative emotions, and understand that stress, sadness and anger are not emotions to run away from, but experiencing them is part of living a balanced life.
Instead of “getting rid” of negative emotions, perhaps it might serve them well to understand why they feel sad, and how to channel or cope with that negative emotion in a healthy way until it naturally dissipates.
Encourage problem-solving and resilience by helping them develop strategies to cope with challenges and setbacks.
Foster Positive Relationships:
One of the best ways to deal with stressful situations is with an understanding support system. This refers to a group of people who can understand and sympathise with your child’s hardships and are willing to provide support as needed.
Some examples would be classmates, mentors like teachers, older peers and even family members.
Support your child in building positive relationships with family members, friends, and peers. Encourage social activities and provide opportunities for them to connect with others.
While you have a friend you can always turn to when you need advice, you should also encourage your children to find the same.
Being able to vent after a hard day can be such a huge stress reliever, no matter how old you are!
Seek Professional Help When Needed:
Sometimes, even with all the right support, some pressures can be too much for a person to bear. Regardless of age, whether you are a student or a working professional, you might need a little extra helping hand.
It is important to keep in mind that even though you are struggling, asking for a helping hand from a medical professional is nothing to be ashamed of.
In fact, asking for help and not suffering in silence is a sign of strength! It shows that you are not giving in to your pride and are willing to do what it takes to feel better.
Be proactive in seeking professional help if you notice signs of mental health concerns in your child, such as persistent sadness, anxiety, changes in behaviour, or difficulties functioning at home or school.
Consult a paediatrician, counsellor, or mental health professional for guidance and support. Early intervention can make a significant difference in managing mental health challenges and promoting resilience in children.
In conclusion, by fostering open communication, promoting healthy habits, teaching coping skills, fostering positive relationships, and seeking professional help when needed, parents can play a vital role in supporting their children’s mental health and well-being.