The Tamil paper for the Primary level (PSLE) is made up of 3 parts, Paper 1, and 2 as well as Oral. In the first 2 segments focus on written and the understanding of Tamil language while the third element focuses on spoken and listening skills.
With this in mind, how can parents support their children in preparation for the PSLE Tamil exam?
Here is a look at the way that your child can score A in PSLE Tamil.
Challenging parts of PSLE Tamil paper
Paper 1
Paper 1 come with 2 questions and is an essay writing question. Of the two given questions. The students are to pick one. The total mark for this segment is 40 points and a duration time of 50 minutes.
Also on Paper 1, this segment will need students to create a story based on the situation given or choose a picture sequence. When opting for situational writing, students will need to imagine the entire scenario depending on the topic given. The segment has a weight of paper 1 totals 20%.
Paper 2
Next is second Paper that weights 90 marks and it takes 1hr 45minutes to finish the whole. The makeup of paper 2 includes: There are 4 multiple choice question and 2 parts fill in space and one section is Open-ended Questions that test different features of a language. Paper 2 contains a total of 41 questions comprised of 45 percent total score on subject paper.
A final and third listening segment and the Orals that 35 percent of the weight. Among these, the LC is has a weight of 20 marks, that has ten MCQ questions.
Comprehension has different types that include Conversation, an advertisement, news passage, a statement or even a story.
Oral carries 50 points and the divisions are 3, picture description, Reading a Passage, Picture Descriptions and the Picture Conversation. The first two segments have 20 points each and then the last segment division has 10 marks.
Picture Comprehension
When your child chooses Picture Sequences, they are given a series of 5 images. The 6th picture is blank, and a student doesn’t make the right concluding component to complete the story.
Most students are informed that they choose this sort of essay. This because the prompts use pictures. They simply have to connect the right knots of these pictures and reason it out smoothly.
On the last segment of Paper two, is the open-ended comprehension. It has questioned that are derived from a given passage. These questions are of different types including inference, indirect and direct.
Students will find it easier in answering these direct questions. Though the challenge begins with inference and indirect type questions. Here, they can make mistakes that include content, the structure of a sentence and spelling.
By correctly understanding the passage, the language and right answering technique you can solve the issues. Thus students will have to use them in the right way.
Strategies students should follow as they attempt PSLE written Tamil papers
When taking the written paper, time management is very important. Normally students can do the Paper 2 within a set time, while in Paper one they will be in a hurry. Hence proper time planning for all segments is important for the 2 papers.
What can students do to have time for all questions?
For fill-in and MCQ kind of questions, try reading the sentences with the answer you chose. This method will assist in correcting the mistake. In particular, in Vetrumai segment, students are to pick one choice from the four.
After you fill in your sentence using the answer you filled in, be sure to read each sentence. If your choice is correct, your sentence will be easy to understand. When not, change the answer and use a different method.
In Munnunarvu Karuthutharithal segment (the Close Comprehension), as you read the sentence, try guessing which word is suitable there. Check the word from the choice word list. When it’s there, try it first when not try searching the word that has similar meaning from the list. Once you complete the entire passage using the same manner, read it from the top.
Part 2 of the MCQ comprehension focuses on vocabulary. Here, most students will lose marks when they choose generic meanings.
How can students grow their vocabulary?
Remember that the vocabulary questions are from the given passage. Hence choose the answer that is applicable to the given passage and ensures you confirm your answer from the passage.
As for the Open-ended segment, remove unnecessary words from the highlighted part. Avoid starting your answer using a pronoun. A confirmation key of the answer is, a reader should be left with no questions from the answer.
Meaning it should be completed. Again always make complete sentences rather than single word answers. More so for the last logical thinking type of question.
Strategies and Tips for preparing for PSLE – Oral and listening exams
When it comes to oral exams, the key element is vocabulary. Children should have a large vocabulary knowledge and they have to be confident to use them in the right sense. It makes them cross halfway.
In the reading passage, you will be for the pronunciation, voice modulation, clarity, voice expression as well as fluency. Students need to bear this in mind.
Avoid using repeated words in specifying an action whether it’s good or bad. Instead, use different words that match the scene.
Provide examples which involve the situation in question. This approach is good, but when overdone it doesn’t work.
Give related answers with excellent vocabulary that can yield good results in picture conversations.
When taking the written paper, time management is very important. Normally students can do the Paper 2 within a set time. You should encourage your child to read extensively to grow their vocabulary.
Always avoid using repeated words and starting a sentence using a pronoun. And above all plan your time properly. This will help you spend time properly in completing the entire exam.
To score A* star for all your subjects in PSLE, these tips will help you:
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