SmileTutor Blog Parents Parenting Tips Preparing Your Child for Secondary School

Preparing Your Child for Secondary School


In Singapore’s education system, the transition from primary to secondary school is a major transition that students must go through. This often leads to them feeling insecure and uncomfortable.

After all, they’re in a new environment that is more stressful and full of new people they’re not familiar with. Making sure your child has a successful transition is vital for improving their self-esteem, motivation to learn, and willingness to build relationships.

How can you prepare your child for secondary school then?

Get School Books and Uniforms Ready


Before school starts, ensure your child has all their school books and uniforms ready. This is because the first week of school is the crucial time for your child to integrate themselves and get used to the environment around them.

Not being well equipped with the necessary resources could cause them to panic and feel more anxious than they already are. This negative experience could also cause them to feel even more alienated from the new environment, which might affect their transition.

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Visit the School’s Website


Visiting the school’s website is a great way to help your child integrate into secondary school better. School websites often show school curriculum, updates on events, and even Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs).

This reassures your child because they would have a better idea of what’s to come, what they can expect and the changes from primary to secondary school. It also makes them more familiar with their secondary school, which eases the transition.

It is good to keep up-to-date with such events and important dates and not forget anything important. Otherwise your child may feel left out or is unprepared for them.

Talk to Them About What to Expect


This brings me to my next point: talk to your child about what to expect in secondary school. Secondary school can be extremely stressful, and your child has to adapt to many changes.

For example, in secondary school, your child has more subjects than in primary school, and the new subjects like humanities can be difficult to study. So your child needs to be prepared to put more time and effort into studying.

A tip: you can also look up blogs where past students or students’ parents share their experiences while in secondary school. Some of these articles might also include tips on getting through secondary school successfully!

Read Up on CCAs Offered

[Compassvale Secondary School]

Before CCA orientation day – which usually happens in the first few weeks of school, read up on the CCAs offered in your child’s school.

A significant part of secondary school life is CCA. After all, CCA involvement contributes to your child’s LEAPS 2.0 performance, giving them a minus two points in O levels. This is why your child needs to find a CCA that can help them to do well for their LEAPS 2.0.

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Here are some things to take note of:

1. What CCAs are there
2. What your child will do in the CCA
3. CCA details like meeting dates, frequency of sessions and timings.
4. Volunteer activities
5. Once you’ve reviewed the CCA options, you and your child can visit them during CCA orientation day.


[Today Online]

Transitioning to secondary school can be daunting for both you and your child. But as long as you know what to expect and prepare well, you can guide and support your child during this period of anticipation and uncertainty.

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Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.