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Interesting Books to Read with Children Below Five Years Old

Are you looking for must-read books for under five-year-olds? Look no further. There are various storybooks in bookshops/libraries to keep young children engaged.

During storytime, the mind of your child is at work taking in all the lessons and trying to make out the characters in each story. Children’s books run a series of titles, categories, and characters, making them both compelling and imaginative, for young readers.

Reading to them from an early age ensures they excel because books can help with children’s imagination and can continue doing so with even teenagers and adults.

The Benefits of Reading to Children

1) Improved creativity and imagination: Storybooks opens up the mind of a child because it sparks curiosity. Children have vivid imaginations, which makes them develop interests and ideas.

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2) Improved cognitive and language development: Verbal interactions between parents and children promote higher IQ scores and language.

3) Increased concentration and discipline: From an early age, children learn the importance of focusing on a story. By reading to them often, they will be able to develop their concentration skills.

4) Developing a special bond with your child: Reading offers the best opportunity to connect with your child because it provides a solid relationship. Studies show that children feel safe when they’re read to.

Here, we have compiled a list of the best books you can read with children below five years.

Where’s Grandma by Edmund Lim

Luke is different from other children his age. He considers his grandma as his best friend. They do everything together – playing in the playground, strolling in the park, and walking to school.

All these take place before grandma becomes sick. Everything changes because she forgets to pick Luke from his usual place after school and even forgets his name. She also gets lost in a neighbourhood she has lived in for many years. 

“Where’s Grandma?” teaches children how to cope with sadness and loss through pictures.

Stacey Goes to the National Museum by Lianne Ong

Taking a tour of the National Museum is top of Tracy’s list when the holidays begin. What Stacey doesn’t know is that a fantastic treat awaits her. Stacey comes across some treasures of the National Museum while taking a tour of the museum.

The book is an excellent introduction to Singapore’s National Museum to young children. It features real-time exhibits found within the museum, sparking a child’s interest in local Singaporean history and capturing their imagination.

This book will keep your children fascinated!

Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers

Lost and Found tells the story of a boy who finds a penguin at his doorstep. Upon doing research, he discovers that penguins hail from Antarctica, found in the South Pole. From here, the two start a friendship.

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The illustrations by Oliver Jeffers are dream-like and expressive. They are also significant in bringing the story to life. Jefferson also captivates a child’s mind because children see themselves in the boy. Lost and Found helps small children to understand the importance of:

“Lost and Found” is a funny and child-friendly story about friendship.

Toto’s Apple by Mathieu Lavoie

The story is about a determined little worm, Toto, and an apple that’s far out of reach. The poor, hungry worm comes up with different strategies to get the juicy apple, but none of them works. His many attempts to secure the apple inspire determination and creativity.

An unexpected turn of events where Toto manages to get the apple shows children that steadfast commitment, creativity, and passion will result in unforeseen success.

Children below five years will engage with Toto’s infectious enthusiasm instantly. Lavoie also expresses Toto’s lovable character through playful text, animated artwork, and lovely colours to keep children fascinated.

Oi Dog! By Kes Gray

The storybook is a universally read sequel with an unassuming canine, Oi Dog, and an amphibian hero, frog. The book is stunningly illustrated and hilariously crafted, making it an intriguing read for under five-year-olds.

“Oi Dog!” is a suitable storybook if you want your child to start exploring rhymes and phonetics. Preschoolers who are familiar with poems and simple songs will find it fun and easy to understand.

To make learning more fun and interactive, you can ask your child to hold objects and animals found in the story as they listen to you reading each page.

The Wonderful Things You Will Be by Emily Martin

Emily Martin’s beautiful picture book offers a beautiful message delivered between vibrant artistic details such as colourful hot air balloons floating above dreamy scenery, a tin-can phone at a slumber party, and a mouse band mimicking the children.

This storybook portrays the beautiful things you imagine when looking at your children, from bold and brave to clever and creative. It has humorous, beautiful illustrations and unique foldouts with children in lovely costumes.

Young children will enjoy the delightful art and soothing rhyme. You will love reading this book to your child!

Jack is Curious: Can I Hit Back at a Bully? By Linda Locke and Chloe Chang

Jack is a cheeky, loveable, and curious boy who enjoys playing with Zac, his best friend. One day while playing at the playground, bullies snatched their balls and calledthem names. Despite the taekwondo teacher discouraging Jack from fighting back, his Mum has an exciting solution.

This intriguing book shows the world from a child’s inquisitive mind. The book points out one of society’s pressing problems, especially in schools- bullying. In this book, you’ll encounter ways to help your child respond in scenarios when they’re bullied.


A child’s reading skills play a pivotal role in their success in school, place of work, and life in general. The age of 3-5 is the best time to introduce your child to books because children absorb information quickly during these years, and reading stories helps them to understand the world around them and their emotions.

Once you begin reading aloud to your child, they fundamentally gain knowledge about their young world.

Let your children discover wonder and magic from these children’s books while sparking their imaginations and developing their social skills!

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.