SmileTutor Blog Parents Parenting Tips How to Support Your Child During the Exam Period

How to Support Your Child During the Exam Period


During the exam period, it’s inevitable for students to feel the heat and it’s the same for us parents.

We want our children to do well but sometimes, it may feel like there’s not much we can do to support them. We may also feel like our child is not sufficiently geared up for the exam due to the removal of mid-year exams

Here are some ways that you can support your child during this stressful period!

Help Them With Revisions

[Adobe Stock]

Helping your child with their revision doesn’t mean that you need to teach them everything. After all, we might not have the time to teach and go through every topic with them.

What I mean is to help your child set up a revision schedule or a routine for the exam period, or find them a tutor to help them. This way, they won’t procrastinate their revisions and they can also get professional help if they need it.

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Don’t Add on to the Stress


Exams are extremely stressful for your child because it determines their future schools or programmes that they can take and so, they want to score well.

So out of worry, we constantly remind them to do well but this only adds to their pressure. Try to avoid doing that. Instead, encourage your child or help them in their revisions.

This also shows your support for them and that you are there for them in these trying times.

Study Hard, Play Hard


The exam period is not just about constant studying with no rest. Your child needs rest so that they have some time off to digest what they have revised and it also lets them relieve stress. If not, it can be detrimental to their mental health.

Allow them pockets of time to go out, exercise, and participate in various activities to let them take their minds off studying for a while. It is also a great way to spend family time too!

Here are some activities to consider letting your child take part in:
1. Rock climbing
2. Hiking
3. Cycling along the park connectors
4. Visiting culture-rich places like Chinatown or Kampong Glam
5. Going to the Beaches like East Coast Park or Siloso Beach
6. Kite flying

Make Sure They Have Sufficient Rest

[Toronto Star]

One mistake many students make during the exam period is not having sufficient sleep. Burning the midnight oil seems to be a common occurrence during this tough period. But when it is done too often, it might lead to your child being sleep deprived.

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This comes with many repercussions, like poor memory and the inability to focus. This impairs their performance during the exam so it is crucial to ensure that they have sufficient rest.



Everyone needs a shoulder to lean on when in times of need, and the same goes for your child. As parents, we want to be that pillar of support for them, especially during these trying times.

I hope this article shows you how you can support your child during the exam period. Good luck!

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Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.