SmileTutor Blog Students Advice For Students How to Pick a Degree that Suits You Best

How to Pick a Degree that Suits You Best

Choosing what you’re going to study for your degree course is undoubtedly one of the most significant decisions you will make for your education. After all, it can be difficult since you might have a lot of interests at the time, or you might have no idea which career you want yet.

In this case, when it comes to future careers, most people prefer to work in a place where they can nurture their passion or provide them with enough financial stability.

Still, regardless of what your career goals are, choosing carefully what you will study at university is essential. With that said, continue reading to learn more about how to choose what to study for your undergraduate degree.

What to ask yourself before choosing a degree

Although Singapore universities are considered some of the best in Asia, with thousands of students continuing their education at the country’s top institutions, many still find themselves questioning what to take for their undergraduate degrees.

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If you’re among these students, here are some helpful questions you can ask before making your decision:

What am I good at?

Before you pick out a college degree, it’s a good idea to know what your skillsets and talents are. The things that you are good at can be of great help to you during your studies and even in your future career. They will ultimately make life a whole lot easier for you.

Try to review the subjects that you are good at and look for degrees that are inlined with those subjects. You could also try looking for degrees that will need your specific talents or skills.

What am I interested in?

In general, just because you have a knack for something doesn’t mean you should pursue it immediately. While it is nice if you could have the chance to use your talents in your career, if you have no passion or love for that field, you might end up regretting your choice later.

Fortunately, the Singaporean educational system offers numerous avenues for students to not just develop their strengths but also explore their unique interests. This allows students to find programmes that are more suited to their learning style, as well as enjoy greater successes in their future careers.

Of course, identifying what your interests are can be easier said than done, which is why there are online tests you can take to help you better understand yourself.

Will this degree lead me to a high-paying job?

Aside from your strengths and interests, another factor you may want to think about is whether or not your chosen degree is in a field that offers better financial security.

While passion and skill are essential when choosing a course for your future career, it might also be best if you thought about the practicality of your chosen path.

For example, some of the most lucrative professions in Singapore include:

  • In-house and general counsel
  • Investment banking director
  • General practitioner
  • Specialist medical practitioner
  • Head of IT in a company

Choosing a course that allows you to work in these fields can increase your chances of obtaining financial security later on.

Nevertheless, it’s still generally better to combine practicality and realistic goals with your passion and interests if you want better chances of success.

Will I be able to pass this degree?

There’s no doubt that some degrees are a little bit harder than others. This is why it is important to know whether you have the necessary knowledge and skills to finish the degree or not.

It will only be a great waste of time if, by the end of the semester, you won’t be able to pass the degree because you were not up to it.

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Remember, there are factors that will affect the difficulty level of degrees including, but not limited to, loads of homework to be done and exam frequency.

Here is a little bit of idea on the degrees that have been known to be very difficult:

  • Architecture
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Aeronautics Engineering

Meanwhile, here are some of the easier degrees for most students:

  • Communication
  • Criminal Justice
  • Public Relations

What if I can’t choose a degree yet?

If you still find yourself having a difficult time choosing what path to take in university, it might be a good idea to turn to trusted figures to help you out. For example, you can ask your teachers for some insights into what undergraduate program you can take.

After all, they will likely have a more objective view of where your strengths and weaknesses lie, which can help you determine what path to take when pursuing higher education.

Similarly, their help and guidance can also come in handy if you’re applying to highly competitive universities or courses since they can write letters of recommendation to boost your application chances.

Aside from your teachers, you can also ask for advice from others whose opinions you trust, including your parents, friends, and other family members. After all, they might be able to help you see some aspects of this decision that you weren’t able to before.

Can I change degrees later on?

Fortunately, you may be able to change your course if you find your chosen one difficult or not suitable for your preferred path. However, this is only recommended if you have enough resources to do so.

In fact, transferring to another course isn’t really advisable because it takes a lot of resources and effort to do. Therefore, it’s better if you have a stronger grasp on what you want to do for your career before you apply to universities to avoid putting all that effort and resources to waste.


Overall, it’s always better to choose a degree course that you’ll be determined to pursue no matter what. In fact, it’s better to avoid letting pressure from external sources influence your choice since you will be the one dealing with the outcome of your choices, including the potential regret.

So, if you’re having trouble choosing what path to take, it might be best to ask the questions mentioned above and help you see more clearly what path is most suitable for you and your future!

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.