SmileTutor Blog Students Advice For Students How to Make Your 2019 Poly Open House Visit Count?

How to Make Your 2019 Poly Open House Visit Count?

Is your child now entering polytechnic? If that is a yes, you may be looking into a list of polytechnic colleges where your child can enrol into.

In recent years, polytechnic colleges are making a comeback. The number of polytechnic graduates admitted to local universities is increasing. O-Level students are also choosing to enrol in polytechnic schools as well.

Some students find it difficult to consider polytechnic schools because there are 230 courses offered at the present time. It can be quite confusing! While some of these courses will be removed from the list in the next couple of years, looking at the options can be overwhelming.

So, here is a quick guide to help you and your kids check what polytechnic schools has to offer before heading to the open house events:

Tips to Prepare for Poly Open House Events

If your child is leaning towards polytechnic schools, here are some of the ways you can help prepare them during the open house events:

Aid your child to discover their interests and strengths

Before going to the open house event, ask your child about their favourite subjects and discover why they love them. Learn how they get information about their favourite subjects. You can also ask them about the careers they would like to do.

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Ask your child to attend career counselling sessions scheduled by their school. Alternatively, job fairs often offer free career assessments for attendees. It is also a good time for your child to talk to various people in different job industries to find out more about their desired career and what kind of qualifications it takes to reach their desired position.

Career counsellors can help your child understand several aspects of their dream career. They would also help your child check which schools would be perfect for their skills.

Create a list of polytechnic courses your kids may love to try out

While 230 course offerings can be a little daunting to look at, you can actually cut the number down based on your child’s interest.

Sit down with your child and browse each polytechnic website and their offerings.

You can start the list off by looking at the course departments of the school and pick the ones your child’s interest focuses on.

If they are great with biology and would like to help treat the sick or wounded, check the health sciences courses. Or if your teen love tinkering and fixing stuff at home, try looking into engineering courses.

Once you got the list of courses, read the course’s syllabus and the subjects included. You should also look into the teachers for these subjects.

If your child likes to learn more about the course, sign them up for course seminars. These seminars will allow them to pose questions to the lecturers about their subjects.

Speak with the school’s alumnus

If you know someone who graduated from a polytechnic school, pose your questions to them. Learn if their courses helped them get a choice job once they graduated.

You can also ask them about their educational paths after they graduated from polytechnic. Did they pursue graduate degrees? Took another course?

Of course, it is important to remember that every alumnus may have a different experience. If they say they had a negative experience in polytechnic education, don’t let it get you down. Ask other alumni for their opinions.

If you do not know anyone who graduated from Polytechnic, you can check forums, groups or referrals. Or you can rub shoulders with other parents from your child’s class. I believe they are in the same predicament as you are!

Allowing Your Teen to Explore His Future School

As parents, sometimes we need to step back and trust your child to know what is best for him or herself.

Instead of tagging along dutifully as you source out every information for him. Allow him to wander around the campus on his own or even have his classmates go together with him.

He might even meet some of the current students on his own and it is easier for him to network around without his parents at his tail! Remember, he is a teenager!

List of Questions you can ask Current Polytechnic Students

When you attend Open House events, you and your child will get a chance to meet current students. They are the best source of information when it comes to the quality of education being offered and other aspects about the polytechnic.

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Here are some questions you can ask them:

1) How much work and additional help do you need in order to excel in the course?

2) Why did you choose this course?

3) What were the problems you faced during your first year?

4) What internship programs or co-curricular events are available for students? Is it open for all or for a certain department?

5) What is your class schedule like? Are the classes flexible or it is compulsory to attend all of them?

6) Is the deadline easy to work with?

7) What are the best modules for the course?

8) Can you talk to the lecturers after class if you have questions about the coursework?

9) What kind of projects have you done so far?

10) What’s the learning environment like?

11) What are the fellow students like? Is there an orientation for all the new students?

12) What are the tuition fees like? Can you apply for grants?

Don’t hesitate to ask during Open House and let your kid ask about their concerns. If you do not ask questions, you and your child may be shocked with certain aspects of the course.

Take your time to research everything before you make the final decision on where your child should enrol. But, always remember to ask your child for their opinion about the matter and let them decide.

After all, it is for their future and if you choose incorrectly, they will be the ones that will take the heat. Good luck!

For more Poly related articles, you may find this informative:

JC vs. Poly: The Pros and Cons


Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.