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How to Become a Private Tutor in Singapore

Are you looking for a job and trying to find a challenge?

Taking a break from your boring 9-5 job and want to earn some extra money?

Or are you a fresh graduate who’s tired of working menial jobs and want to engage in something more meaningful?

If you relate to any of these, venturing into tutoring in Singapore is a practical option. You don’t need a specific experience, a particular course, or teaching qualifications to get into private tutoring.

Tutors are a diverse group. However, they must have a professional, friendly nature, passion for learning, and the required subject knowledge.

If you’re considering offering tuition lessons, here are a few things you need to know.

No Qualification is Needed

Tuition is not the same as teaching in a classroom. Instead, to be a successful tutor in Singapore, there are a few things you must consider.

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  • Have soft skills.
  • Be up to date with the current curriculum.
  • Plan lessons and cater to the needs of different learners.

Possessing all the qualities of an exemplary teacher is a plus. The best tutors are friendly, well organized, and above all, professional.

Tutoring is more about creating a relationship with the student and parent while understanding the weak areas students need to improve. 

Provided you meet the right knowledge and skills, students will understand concepts they find difficult and improve in their school work.

Enjoy Tutoring

If you set out to become an all-around professional and forget about enjoying the lessons, it will not work. Tutoring majorly focuses on the relationship you create with someone, whether it’s a preschool or high school student.

Be organized and prepared, but enjoying it will make you a successful tutor in Singapore.

Always turn up with a friendly smile and talk nicely to your students. They will warm up to you, which will make all your sessions and subjects enjoyable. Putting this into mind will see the enthusiasm go a long way, and students will excel in all areas.

Get to Know Your Students Individually

Understanding your students is another essential tip that will help you ace your profession as a tutor in Singapore.

Unlike teaching in classrooms, tutoring involves knowing all the needs of learners. Their weaknesses, strengths, likes, dislikes, and the best approach that helps each student grasp the difficult concept.

Once you understand these things, planning sessions tailored to the needs of each learner becomes easy.

Decide on Your Teaching Style

Suppose you’re interested in teaching Primary Math tuition, going through the Math homework with the students patiently is important. 

Some students have a hard time grasping Math concepts. However, do note that you should not spoonfeed them with answers. They might excel in their assignment but fail to do well in their exams, and their grades will not improve.

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This lack of basic knowledge and ability to tackle questions on their own will make it difficult for students to understand anything during school terms.

As you master the skill of a tutor in Singapore, you can move from answering immediate questions to helping them gain a deep understanding of their subjects. This will see your students excel in their school work, exams, and grades.

Exam Period can be Demanding

As the school year ends, your students will be more focused on reading and passing exams. 

As a tutor in Singapore, you should focus on the key areas of the syllabus by revising mock questions and past papers with your students. Additionally, you should improvise exam techniques that will help students carry the day.

Hone your Craft

Whether you’re a seasoned or new tutor, there are several things you can do to improve your tutoring skills.

  • Get to know your students’ hobbies and interests. This will help you to personalize lessons. Parents are also likely to trust your ability to help their children perform better.
  • Embrace new technologies.
  • Take a student-centered approach.
  • Adapt to your student’s learning style.

Advertise to Get Students

Once you feel confident about your skills, you can advertise to get private students. If you’re targeting a specific area, maybe your neighborhood, you can use a flyer.

Ensure it has your contact details and the subjects you can teach.

You can also create a placard with your phone number and the subject you teach, which you can use to advertise in private or international schools.

You can also use a home tuition agency in Singapore because we have openings for both part-time and full-time tutors.

Working with us is easy because:

  • We will match you with the right students.
  • Get paid well depending on your experience and qualifications.
  • You get enough assignments via SMS or email
  • It’s a rewarding career.

You Need to Know When to Teach Classes

This is the point where you’ll likely dispel the being your “own” boss mindset. Students’ co-curricular activities, students’ school hours, and probably their social and family commitments will dictate your schedule.

If you’re considering becoming a full-time tutor, know your social life will be limited throughout the year.

You’ll probably work in the evening, late afternoon, and on weekends. It’s also possible that your demand for tuition services will depend on the season.

How Home Tuition has Benefited Students in Singapore

Singaporean students have focused on educational excellence throughout the years, making them known for academic excellence.

The success is attributed to the efforts of tutors in Singapore that ensure students perform well in specific subjects.

Home tuition and private tuition, along with a well-established school system, have played a vital role in the unparalleled success of Singaporean students.

About 80 percent of primary school students and 60 percent of secondary school students go for private tuition. No wonder Singapore emerged top in the PISA rankings in Math, Science, and reading!


Tutoring is a rewarding profession especially when you help students excel in their grades.

Provided you’re disciplined, motivated and proficient in your subject areas, you don’t require teaching experience to work as a tutor in Singapore. The most essential thing is to help students improve their grades in your own way.

Choose subjects you love and a level that interests you to keep boredom at bay. The energy you bring in your sessions will show in your students and their grades.

Good luck!

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.