SmileTutor Blog Parents Key Decisions 9 Reasons to Enrol Your Child in a Montessori Preschool

9 Reasons to Enrol Your Child in a Montessori Preschool

When choosing a preschool for your child, you must take into account the teachings and benefits they will give your child which can help them in the future.

Every type of school has different sets of values and teaching styles which can fit certain types of students and learning styles. We did a detailed comparison between international and local preschools here.

In Singapore, Montessori schools are now becoming common. The question is: Will they be able to give what my child needs?

To help you decide where to enrol your child for their preschool years, here are 9 things your child will learn in a Montessori Preschool:

How to fix their own mistakes

Montessori schools have longer sessions, allowing students to explore and learn the materials they are playing with. They will also be able to discover new ways in using these materials and learn the correct way through trial and error.

Decision-making skills

Montessori schools take their time in understanding their students to see their potential and how they can be taught to achieve their best level. Decision making is one of the basic skills in life to impart to our young children.

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Children are given the choice to do whatever activity catches their interest to help them explore more activities and do it at their own speed. As children are encourage to be decisive, they become confident of themselves and trust their own decisions.

A sense of purpose and belonging

Classrooms for Montessori schools are designed to help students learn how to become independent and make their own contribution to the community.

They will learn simple life skills like how to button up their clothes, tie their own shoelaces and prepare their food to learn how they can focus on specific jobs like sewing and other similar tasks. These skills are a step closer in preparing for your child to enter Primary One.

Independence and natural curiosity

As mentioned above, Montessori schools help students learn how to become independent and satiate their curiosity about the world around them. Your children will be choosing what activities they want and how much of it do they have to learn every day.

There is also no homework, rewards and punishments in Montessori schools, allowing children to improve at their own pace and provide them with flexibility. In turn, this inspires them to keep on learning.

Cooperation with others

Usually, Montessori schools have classrooms which have a mix of students regardless of their age. The ages often start from two to five years old. While in the same classroom, these students can learn from one another and see a different perspective on how things can be done.

They will also learn how to work at various levels and get the confidence to do things while learning with one another. This will also help them understand how they can relate with one another, a skill they need in the future.

Learn in their best way

Every student has their own learning quirks. Some of us prefer visual aids to help us learn, while others learn verbally. A few may learn in a more unique way which they can understand but others couldn’t.

Montessori schools are able to teach students regardless of their different learning styles. The school can provide helpful materials that will match the student’s learning style and understand each concept they are being introduced to. Children can also have an option to pick the learning materials they want to use as a guide.

Cultivating good habits like respect for others

Students will also learn good habits when they are in a Montessori school. Teachers will take their time to teach children to be patient, work calmly and efficiently.

Teachers won’t interrupt your child that much during their classes, allowing these children to discover and learn real-life skills on their own. If your child hates any disruptions, chaos and noise, it is the perfect program for them to try out.

New challenges provided regularly

In Montessori schools, children are not forced to compete with one another and feel that they need to be better than others. There are no rewards or any recognition, enabling students to work and advance together.

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The children are encouraged to learn through play which is important part of their childhood. Each play lesson will increase with their age and will be motivated to take on new challenges and push each other to succeed.

Becoming part of a tight community

Finally, Montessori schools enable children to build strong relationships. Since the classrooms allow children from various ages to be with one another for three years, they will get to know them better.

Their teachers will also stay the same throughout this three-year period, enabling them to personalise what the students are learning based on what they observed throughout the period. They can also guide your child to expand their horizons and keep them interested.


As parents, it is important that we take our time in checking which preschool is the best for children. Their preschool days are integral to their development and it is also the right time for you to see what kind of education your children needs and how they should be supported.

Whether you plan to enrol them into a Montessori school or engage a private tutor, your decision should be centered around letting your preschool children fulfill their fullest potential, as well as learn the right life skills they need to be able to work independently.

If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to do your research or contact the Montessori school you want to enrol your child in. You can also check with other parents who have children in Montessori schools to help you decide, as well as online forums where there are reviews regarding these schools for concerned parents.

For more preschool articles, here are some:

How to decide which is better: Preschool vs. Staying at Home
How to Prepare Your Child for a Positive Childcare Experience

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.