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What is Poly EAE and Should I Apply for it?

[Ngee Ann Polytechnic]

In Singapore, there is a heavy emphasis on grades, especially for grades for major exams like O levels.

This is because grades become our ticket to entering Junior Colleges (JC) or Polytechnic courses. If we don’t do well, we might not get into the course we want, and our course choices are limited.

But there is a way for us to get into the poly course we want without solely relying on our grades – through the Early Admissions Exercise (EAE).

What is Poly EAE?

[Republic Polytechnic]

EAE is an admissions exercise that is aptitude-based. It allows us students to apply for and receive admission offers to various polytechnics before receiving our O level grades.

All five polytechnics participate in Poly EAE:
1. Nanyang Polytechnic
2. Ngee Ann Polytechnic
3. Republic Polytechnic
4. Singapore Polytechnic
5. Temasek Polytechnic

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Of course, we still need to do well for our O levels, but there is less pressure on us since we don’t need to score distinctions. This is because we just need to get an ELR2B2 (English Language (EL) +2 Relevant Subjects (R2) + 2 Other Best Subject (B2)) aggregate of 26 points.

Things to Consider Before Applying


Hold on. Before setting your mind on sending in your application for EAE, there are many things to consider.

Are you set on polytechnic?

After O levels, many of us reach a crossroad in our education – JC or polytechnic? If you are still sitting on the fence, you might want to reconsider applying for EAE.

When you apply for EAE and accept an admission offer to the course you chose, you are no longer eligible for JAE. You also cannot accept offers from the Direct School Admissions (DSA-JC) Exercise. Otherwise, you’ll be disqualified from both EAE and DSA.

Make sure that you really want to pursue a diploma before applying for EAE so that you don’t have future regrets about joining the course.


Before you choose to apply for EAE, you need to research the course you are applying for.

Here‘s what you need to find out:
1. What you learn in the course
2. Feedback on the course
3. Is there a better version in another poly?
4. Career path
5. What opportunities are there in the course? (for example, exchange programmes or competitions)
6. EAE minimum requirements (MREs) for each polytechnic (different polys have different EAE application requirements, so be careful.)

Once you have done adequate research on the courses, you’ll have a better idea of which courses are suited for you.

This increases your chances of getting into the course through EAE because during the interviews and application process, polytechnics select students based on their aptitude for the course.

How to Apply for Poly EAE


Now, if you know you want to pursue a poly diploma and you have done your research. All that is left is to send your application into the system, so how do you do that?

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First, keep up with updates on the Ministry of Education website. They will post the application timelines and the requirements for EAE. During the application timeline, you need to send your application through the EAE portal.

After that, if you are shortlisted by the polytechnics, you will be contacted, and you will go through interviews and aptitude tests. This is for polys to ensure that you are a suitable candidate for the course.

Once all that is done, you can get your EAE application results on the EAE portal during the acceptance period. You can choose to accept or decline during this process, but if you accept it, make sure your O level ELR2B2 is 26 points or better, and you meet the MREs.



When applying for admission exercises like EAE, you must consider carefully because if we get accepted into our chosen courses, there is no going back.

We cannot change our decision, and we cannot decline it after the acceptance and withdrawal period.

What is DSA and Should I Apply for It?

Polytechnics in Singapore: Overview, Courses, Admissions

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.