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Top Online Tools and Software for Tutors

Technology has changed many aspects of our lives, making a lot of things more convenient than ever. Learning, for instance, has become more accessible to everyone, thanks to different educational platforms that are being developed every day.

While many still prefer the conventional mode of education, some open up their doors to modern techniques that do not require face-to-face meetings. Thus, even the best tutors out there are making the most of these opportunities to improve lesson time management.

It’s best to get everything ready to jumpstart your tutoring career – from the tools to the applications – for your upcoming class.

Here’s a quick rundown of the most useful online software that you’ll need for your next tutoring session:

Video Chat

One of the perks of online tutoring is that you will only need to have a stable Internet connection and a reliable computer or laptop. Gone are days when traffic has become a constant battle to get to your next appointment. Indeed, going digital is probably the best decision you’ll make to avoid inconveniences.

The big question: how would you conduct an online class?

There are many viable options for the applications that tutors may use to conduct their classes. The most popular ones are Skype, Google Hangouts, and Zoom.

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  • Skype

Skype has been one of the go-to options for many online tutors who conduct one-to-one teaching. You can simply download the application on your computer and set up your account in just a few minutes, using your professional email address.

After installing Skype on your personal computer, navigate the application to get a grip of it. Of course, many features would make teaching a lot easier. Tutors can call and send messages to their students, send files, and even share their screens.

  • Google Hangouts

Another application that can be used for distance learning is Google Hangouts. It’s a cost-free conferencing tool that’s perfect for group sessions. This application allows up to 10 participants at a time.

With Google Hangouts, tutors won’t have a hard time broadcasting and archiving live sessions, creating collaborative demonstrations, and developing rich online portfolios.

  • Zoom

One of the top private tutoring trends nowadays is teaching online using video-conferencing apps like Zoom. It’s probably one of the most well-known software in the market that allows students and tutors to discuss different lessons.

The best thing about Zoom is that you can easily integrate it with other applications. For instance, tutors may schedule regular Zoom meetings through the Canvas course site.

One of the standout features of Zoom is that you can record the sessions via a special button. Students may then watch the previous lessons at any time of their convenience.

Virtual Whiteboard

Online tutoring is more challenging than people think, especially when dealing with complicated subjects like Science or Math. Tutors must always find a way to stimulate their students, even without personal interaction. Fortunately, there are virtual whiteboard applications that they can utilize to conduct their online sessions effectively.

Idroo and Baiboard, for instance, are whiteboard apps that can be maneuvered simultaneously by the tutors and students, with little to no network lag time. These apps can also utilize documents by using them as a backdrop to highlight a topic.

  • IDroo

For Android users, IDroo is the perfect digital whiteboard app that allows real-time collaboration among tutors and students. The tutoring administrator only needs to share the board with learners and sign up using their Windows Live, Facebook, or Google accounts to use this application.

Moreover, IDroo is a highly responsive application that offers various tools, such as freehand, line, rectangle, square, circle, and text, among others. You can easily add images and documents to the virtual whiteboard to emphasize lessons even more.

  • Baiboard

As an alternative, iPad users may install Baiboard to boost online tutoring. This interactive whiteboard has multi-touch features that you can use for free. It’s also a useful tool that can help group discussions by updating the material directly on the app.

Moreover, it’s a perfect teaching companion that allows tutors to interact with learners while talking about the lesson’s significant points.

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Document Collaboration

Sharing documents with students is one of the most important aspects of online tutoring. When it comes to this type of collaboration, Google Docs is the undisputed champion. You can use this online-powered application to create notes for free, which you can easily share with your students. Just copy the document’s shareable link and allow editing.

Unlike its predecessors, Google docs can automatically track changes and revert to previous versions when necessary. You can also switch to suggestion mode if you just want to review or approve the content.

You also don’t need to constantly hit the “Save” button since it automatically does the job. Even though it works perfectly fine when connected to a network, working offline is also possible.

Complementary Tools

Being adaptive is key to be a successful online tutor. Teaching children virtually will then need tons of creativity to capture their attention and to keep them motivated. Some even make innovative videos that learners can review later on.

Here are some other tools you may need if you decide to venture into video hosting:

  • Camtasia/Screencast-O-Matic

These applications are great options if you want a straightforward screen recording tool that provides high-quality images. However, it’s better to use Camtasia when developing an online course. Screencast-O-Matic, on the other hand, is more convenient if you are saving them for student use.

  • Animoto

Raw video recordings can be pretty dull to watch. By adding music, photos, and texts using the Animoto app, you can create a more fun learning complementary material that your students can enjoy.

  • YouTube

If you want to make your videos public, consider creating a YouTube account. It’s a great way to track your progress and allow students to access previous lessons that they might have missed without the hassles.

Final Words

 If you are eager to become an effective tutor, you’ll need to adapt to the changing times. Online tutoring has been gaining traction in the e-learning industry for the past few years, but it’s always your choice whether to stick to conventional teaching methods or try different virtual modes.

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Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.