SmileTutor Blog Students Exam Tips Scoring An A In Singapore A-Level General Paper

Scoring An A In Singapore A-Level General Paper

Singapore is not just well-known for having a student population that is proficient in math and science. They are also known for having some of the most prolific students capable of writing different topics with ease thanks to their General Paper tests for A-levels.

Unfortunately, writing a perfect essay is not easily achievable in one go because A-levels cover a variety of subjects and topics that influence their respective dream careers. Writing about these topics can be difficult if one does not know how to begin writing it. As a result, students tend to panic when it comes to their General Paper tests and require special aid to ace it.

In such eventualities, students would often seek assistance from a tutor or schools offering A-Level tuition or General Paper tuition. Singapore has a lot of tutors ready to assist if a student needs their help.

Of course, aside from getting General Paper tuition help from A-Level tuition schools, there are some extra tips you can apply to your writing techniques to get that A you always dreamed of.

Here are some of the tips we recommend you try:

Choose a few themes or topics to specialize in

There are a lot of topics that can be included in a General Paper test. Of course, it will be difficult to master all the topics included in the test in such a short span of time. So, it is ideal to select a few themes or topics that you can master.

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When picking these themes or topics, make sure it is something that you like. For example, if you like history, pick one that is related to it like the history of Europe. If you like science, pick one of the sciences that calls to you like technology, physics or environmentalism.

However, it is advisable you don’t just specialize in one topic because when writing General Paper tests because you can’t just keep writing the same area for all your tests. Specialize in multiple areas. If you like history, it can go well with politics, culture, or social sciences.

Read widely around your themes or topics and take notes

Once you got the themes or specializations you want to focus on, read up on them and take notes so you are updated with the different events influencing the topic. For example, if you are focusing on the politics of the United States, you should read up on its history when it was discovered up to the current administration.

Aside from learning the chronology of events, also take note of the impacts such events brought to your topic. In this case, you can note what a specific president introduced to the country.

As you learn about your chosen topic of specialization, take notes so you have an idea of the facts that influenced the event. Your notes must be accurate to ensure you do not write a sloppy interpretation of the events and themes for your topic.

Read sample GP essays

If you are still uncertain on how a GP essay should go, check out the library or the internet for old samples of GP essays. Reading these old essays can give you an idea of how it is written and what is expected of you when you do your tests.

As you study these samples, take note of the key phrases and arguments made for the topic. Check how the writer quoted statements or explained the topic by highlighting key data.

Prepare essay outlines

As you look into old GP essays, you will be able to see that they have a certain flow on how it is written. This marks that they followed an outline to get their arguments in order.

When making your own essay outlines, make sure you check your readings and do additional research. Of course, don’t just make the outline based on the essay questions you think is asked.

As you start making the outlines, you will discover that if you understood your topic if you are able to fill up the outline well without much assistance. If you find it difficult to make an outline, you will notice the difference in your outlines.

Prepare clusters of arguments

The outlines can provide you the structure your essay will take, but it doesn’t tell you where you should place facts.

Write your arguments together by adding pieces of evidence, quotes, and points on a different sheet of paper when you practice. By writing them, you will be able to memorize it and write it up on your tests.

Practice writing within a time limit

The best way to prepare for an essay is by doing practice essays within a time limit. The time you should set your test essay run should be similar to how each GP test lasts. Set time to plan the essay first before you write down your answers. Don’t take a lot of time while doing the planning stage, at least 15 minutes will do.

As you write, make sure you get all your arguments and comments clearly written because if your teacher can’t read your essay properly, you may lose points even if you argue you placed a certain fact in your essay.

You can ask your tutor to serve as your timer and the one to give you the test. They can also read your test essays and grade them accordingly. When they finish checking it up and noting the errors, you can then use the time to discuss the parts you missed and read up on it.

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Whenever we are doing something important, it is not advisable to do it in a rush because you may miss something because of it. Even if you finish it fast, it doesn’t guarantee a good job if you missed crucial bits along the way. The same thinking should also be applied to writing, especially if you are doing your A-Levels.

Take some time to look into your current writing style and patch it up the areas which would cause you points while you write. Remember, you are doing this essay for that dream grade so you need to make sure your style will get you there!

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Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.