SmileTutor Blog Students Exam Tips Prepping For Junior College Economics: What You Need to Know

Prepping For Junior College Economics: What You Need to Know

When students hear the subject “Junior College Economics”, a majority may shy away from the idea because of the complexity of the subject. Even if one is proficient in math, the concepts involved in economics can be very tricky to learn.

In Singapore, economics classes are included for junior college students as part of their curriculum. Considering its complexity, A-level tuition is highly sought after in Singapore, especially by parents hoping to give their children special tuition, especially if they are taking economics classes. A tutor can provide good economic tuition based on a student’s needs and level of preparation.

Even if you have a tutor to help you out, here are some tips you can use to prepare yourself for your junior college economics classes:


Some students tend to have troubles understanding the vast amount of information they are given by their teachers and schools about their lessons. In the case of junior college economics, some teachers may give extra handouts to help their students learn more about the topics they discussed.

While these notes and information can seem daunting at first, you can understand these facts by breaking it down into small portions for easier reading. By cutting down the notes and emphasizing the important content and its examples, it would become easier to understand and recall in exams.

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Economics is also filled with many diagrams and analysis, which can be tricky to understand and recall. Some students try to memorize these diagrams without understanding the whole diagram and its explanation. As a result, they tend to misinterpret their use during their tests.

Here are some tips you can do to revise how you write your Economic notes to make it easier to understand:

1. Definitions list

Economics has a lot of terminologies, phrases, and keywords that must be remembered and understood. Students would need to cite these terms at the introduction of their essays and even note them during general information questions.

While being able to make one’s own interpretation of a term’s definition during a test is ok, especially when writing an essay, knowing the definitions listed in one’s definition list can save time during exams.

2. Concept maps

In Macroeconomics, it is common to see how its topics are interconnected somehow. By using a concept map, you would be able to draw the connections between different topics easier.

Concept maps can also be used when studying Microeconomics.

3. Tables

In economics, it is necessary you are able to compare the differences between several factors or variables. By using a table, you would be able to pinpoint where each factor or variable differs and explain it easier.

4. Diagram Cheat Booklet

Although it is easy to make a diagram and understand why that diagram fits the question, it can be difficult to recall the concept while doing an exam. Using a diagram cheat booklet would help you recall the keywords for each diagram and recall which diagram to use for certain questions.

When making a diagram cheat booklet, it is important you do not just paste your lecture notes and recall it verbatim. Challenge yourself into understanding the diagram and create your own keywords for the diagram.


Now that you are familiar with the terms and have the cheats to help you recall the terms faster for your essay, you must now focus on how you should structure your essay perfectly. When writing an essay for economics, it is important it is clear and concise so your professor can understand it without problems.

1. Planning

Before you begin your essay, you must take a few minutes to contemplate on how your essay should be structured and what it must contain. Learn how to outline your essay first, then highlight which diagrams, keywords and positions must be included. An outline would assist you in determining the content of your essay and ensure you do not fill it with other points that should not be included in your essay.

With proper planning, you can avoid the usual mistake of having to rewrite the essay because you misunderstood the question or ran out of concepts to include. It also assists in boosting your confidence, especially since you could now show how well you understood the topic.

2. Format

Aside from planning how to write the essay, you must have a proper structure or format on how the essay will go. While an outline can help narrow down the concepts that will be included in the essay, it is important that it is written in such a way it is easy to follow and understand.

Try your best to write in a way you do not ramble throughout the essay and go straight to the point. If you ramble, it shows that you do not understand the question very well.


When you are able to combine the content and structure steps well, you would be able to get the best essay you can make for the subject. However, when it comes to exams, you need to show that your essay is complete, clear, and correct rather than just be perfect in structure.

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During your tutorial time or when you are on your own, try testing your capacity to plan and write essays under a certain period. Go to a silent area with just your writing materials with you and tell yourself to write an essay about the topic you have reviewed with your professor or tutor and its deadline. Make it a point to do this at least once a week because you will be able to sort out their thoughts and structure your essays properly. You can even ask your tutor to grade it as an added incentive for you to persevere.

Of course, you must take note that your essay gets all the main points down and not just copy a “model essay.” If you missed a few points, look into it with your tutor or professor and discuss.


Junior college economics is not really hard if a student is given a clear rundown on how to study the subject. Even if you get a tutor who can you provide A-level tuition and economic tuition, you as the student need to have an open mindset in learning these new subjects and be open to improving your study habits.

By following the three aspects cited, you will be able to keep up with your classes and ace it with high marks!

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Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.