SmileTutor Blog Tutors Is Tutoring A Skill?

Is Tutoring A Skill?

[Pexels, Pixabay]

Tutoring is hard, there’s no doubt about it. 

It’s hard to cater to the needs of different types of students.

There are so many things that make up a good tutor, but what exactly are they?

Let’s find out!

Good communication skills

Being able to communicate effectively is the most important part of teaching. 

After all, you need to communicate what you know to your students!

The basis of teaching is being able to break down and communicate concepts in a way that your students will understand and be able to remember. 

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Being able to listen

[Pexels, August de Richelieu]

While it’s important to be able to communicate well, you need to be able to listen well as well. 

This is so you can find out what exactly your student doesn’t understand so that you can help them target and solve the problem

Since each student is different, you also need to listen to their individual needs and what they’re telling you apart from things related to academics. 

As someone who teaches them, you’ve become a nurturing figure to these students and they look up to you. 


[Pexels, Yan Krukov]

Every student you teach is different, so you need to adjust to their learning needs

There’s a variety of problems that can arise both in your career and when teaching your students, since each student comes from a different background

When you are adaptable, you will be able to help each of these different students more effectively and they will learn better under your care. 

Being engaging and relatable

[Pexels, Julia M Cameron]

When you teach, you don’t want to be the boring tutor who puts their students to sleep. 

Do you remember what your most interesting teachers were like when you were still in school? 

Try to embody them and remember what they did that engaged you or your friends in class. 

Chances are, doing the same will engage your students as well. 

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Teaching isn’t only about giving a lecture and delivering the lesson material. 

Sometimes, it’s about becoming a part of the lesson itself and bringing your students into the lesson so that you can get everybody involved. 

To have empathy

[Pexels, Pixabay]

Being able to understand what each student is going through helps your students feel more connected to you, which in turn makes them more interested in learning from you. 

It’s also good as your students will feel like they are able to open up to you more, which helps you understand more about their background and how it may affect their learning. 

Organisational skills

[Pexels, Vlada Karpovich]

You need to be organised to manage lesson plans, your own schedule and many other things! If you’re running group tuition, you might have to manage lesson plans for several classes too. 

Not to mention, you will need to be organised when dealing with your students’ homework and helping them become more familiar with their syllabus. 


[Pexels, Pixabay]

Tutoring is an important job that helps students keep up in school. 

Good tutors can be hard to find, but a lot of the time, despite having these skills down, whether a tutor is helpful for a student depends on their compatibility with the student. 

But when a student finds a good tutor, they will no doubt be helped by that tutor. 

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.