SmileTutor Blog Students Exam Tips How to Boost Your Grades: Tips and Tricks

How to Boost Your Grades: Tips and Tricks

Having good grades is not just for the super brilliant or the Einstein’ in your class. Anyone can have poor grades, as well as good grades.

It is more about having good study habits. Not knowing the right way to academic success puts you at a disadvantage.

If you are the success-oriented type, always seeking elevation and improvement, then you’re reading the right article.

That said, let me share with you the tips and tricks.

Know Why You Weren’t Performing Well

If you don’t know the reason behind your poor grades, you would not know how to tackle them. Each problem has a different solution approach. Everyone learns differently.

While some students find it conducive to study with music, a drop of a pin could distract someone else.

It may be that you are not giving yourself enough time to study, or you did not understand your teacher’s explanation, or you’re getting influenced negatively by your friends.

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No matter the reason, you should know the root cause so that you can plan towards solving it.

Equipping yourself with knowledge and following it though, is the surest way to boost your grades!

Build a Good Mental Health and Attitude

Good mental health is essential to boost your grades. Firstly, you must develop enthusiasm towards every subject/course you take.

Every change or success has its origin traced to a strong desire for it. If you don’t desire it, you may not get it.

Secondly, you must take care of your mental health, especially during exam periods. If you are feeling overwhelmed or depressed, you will not be able to think clearly or may overthink which will affect your performance.

Another example of taking care of your mental health is by avoiding vices such as alcohol or smoking which might affect your concentration abilities.

Discover Your Best Learning Style

I would like to place emphasis on this, everyone has different learning styles.

The secret is “know thyself.” If you don’t know your own learning style, your grades would probably end up sinking like the Titanic.  

Some may learn well at night than in the day and vice versa, check if you need learning aids and extra textbooks and materials for your study.

You may not be able to revise under pressure, which means you need to start your revision earlier.

For some people, repetition is key. They need to read it repeatedly to remember, and if that’s all it takes, do it!

You can do an online quiz to know more about your learning style. When you discover your learning style, learning becomes easier, and grades become better.

Ask Your Teachers Questions

There is a saying that “he who asks for directions from the right person will never miss his destination.”

If you are confused about anything concerning the lessons for the day, don’t hesitate to ask, whether in class or in-person with your teacher.

That’s why you should create a good relationship with your teachers.

Hire A Private Tutor

Knowing when and where to get help is important when trying to improve your grades.

If you need help with specific homework or assignments, such as with research papers, you can get an expert to help you.

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However, do remember not to plagiarize the papers but only use them as references to help you with your studies.

Alternatively, you can engage your own private tutor.

There are a lot of benefits in getting a good private tutor for yourself.

You will have a flexible schedule to learn at your own convenience. With your own private tutor, you can ask any questions you couldn’t ask in class due to time or due to shyness.

You will have enough time for each topic, in an environment suitable for your learning style.

Set A Goal

Goal setters are known to be goal getters. You can have a vision board by writing the specific grades you want to achieve for each subject/course that you are enrolled in.

Make sure that your goals are achievable and realistic. Place your vision board somewhere you can see it easily. (E.g., next to your bed.) You can feel motivated by looking at your goals every day!


Finally, always remember that you’re the master of your fate and everything you need to do to boost your grades is in your hands. I hope this article has been beneficial for you!

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.