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How To Become An Academic Freelance Writer?

Have you just earned your graduate degree and want to use your flair for writing?

Academic freelance writing is a very demanding and lucrative career option for many students and professionals across the globe.

If you have the patience and commitment to draft academic papers and can go easy with the citations, becoming a freelance writer can be the most remarkable career decision you will ever make.

But as you have decided to embark on this journey, the question remains, how to become an academic freelance writer? In this article, let us help you answer your questions!

What Does It Take To Become An Academic Content Writer?

First of all, as a freelance academic writer, you should be prepared to create various types of content from essays to articles to reports and presentations.

At times, you may have to make difficult writing more accessible to laypersons. Last but not the least, you could also be creating reviews on different works, qualitative tasks, and other types of writing related to academics and research.

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If you are fresh out of university, it’s highly recommended to try your luck in academic writing.

What Are The Steps To Become An Academic Freelance Writer?

Becoming an academic writer is no rocket science. All you have to do is to follow a few easy but mandatory steps and get started.

1) Build Your Resume First

When you are from an academic background, chances are that you have an extensive and detailed resume at your disposal. Your experience along with the requisite credentials are very important for your academic writing career.

But that doesn’t mean you will present a long-winded resume to your prospective clientele. Rather you should present your resume in a way that is neat yet informative at the same time. 

2) Select the Area of Your Expertise

There are tons of academic writing jobs out there and at times it can become a daunting task to apply to one and all. The best way to deal with the situation is to apply for jobs that match your area of expertise.

It is entirely dependent on what you enjoy writing about. If you are a History Major, you cannot write on paleontology or geology. The simple rule of thumb is to avoid going completely out of your field.

3) Prepare Some Well-documented Samples

When it comes to landing freelance academic writing, having a portfolio of your work can be very effective. You should have a few samples readily available so that your prospective client can review them.

You can begin with all the academic writing material you have and gradually build your portfolio with some good content in your chosen niche.

4) Understand the Project You are Signing Up For

You should try to understand why the client wants you to take up that work and how it’s going to be used. There is no harm if you end up being a bit picky as a freelance writer.

You must select the work as per your own boundaries and limitations. But in case you have any difficulties with writing you may check Omnipapers and find the site that can help you. Use it as a reference only or else you would be at risk for plagiarism which can be detrimental for a writer!

5) Choose the Work that Keeps You Motivated

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When you are satisfied with the kind of work you take up, only then you will be able to deliver excellence. As you are starting out, it’s better to work with those who believe in your work and trust your potential as a writer.

This will give you the edge and confidence along with a brilliant opportunity to stand out in your career.

Even though freelancing provides the ease and convenience of a flexible working schedule along with the liberty to decide how much you want to work, writing itself can be an overwhelming task at times.

So make sure you manage your time well and develop your own routine to finish your work!


Freelance academic writing offers a unique earning opportunity to individuals with a passion for writing content.

Most of the successful freelancers around the world started off as mere beginners with no experience to fall back on. But there’s one thing that most writers have in common: willingness to learn.

If you are consistent in your efforts, success is bound to touch you after repeated trials and errors. Good luck!

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.