SmileTutor Blog Students Study Tips How Important Is A Study Table For Education?

How Important Is A Study Table For Education?


In academics, having the perfect study environment is an important factor in students’ academic success. After all, students need to establish a place where they can be comfortable and productive.

One way you can create this perfect study environment is by having a proper study table. How can it improve your academic performance? Let’s find out.

Provide Comfort and Good Posture

Having a study table is shown to provide comfort and good posture while you study. This is especially so if you have an adjustable table since you can adjust it according to your preferences.

By having good posture, it benefits you by:

1. Optimising your breathing
2. Improving your concentration
3. Improving your blood circulation
4. Reducing the chance of myopia
5. Reducing health complications like back ache and neck pain

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It is good to note that while choosing a study table, ensure that it is at the right height for you. Many students make the mistake of choosing a study table that is too low for them, and they end up hunching over the table while studying.

Enhanced Concentration

A study table supports good posture, allowing you to concentrate better. Studies show that this is because sitting properly results in better blood circulation, breathing and an increase in oxygen intake.

Study tables also allow you to organise your materials which declutters the room, making you feel less stressed and able to focus on your revision better.

Encourage a Habit of Studying

[Adobe Stock]

When you have a study table, it encourages you to develop a habit of studying. This is because it serves as a quiet space for you to focus on your studies, making it more efficient and productive.

It also encourages you to sit upright while studying, making you feel more awake and alert than studying on the bed, which might make you drowsy. This also contributes to making your study sessions more productive.


To ensure that you have a conducive environment to study, the first thing you should consider is getting a study table. Especially one that you can adjust to accommodate your physique, like an adjustable children’s study table from Suucokids.

This will improve your learning which in turn improves your grades during your exams. Not to mention that it also contributes to your health and study habits.

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10 Effective Ways to Create a Productive Study Space at Home

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.