SmileTutor Blog Parents Private Tuition 101

Why Do We Still Need Tutors When We Can Just Google?

23 December 2017

Advancement in digital technology has affected almost every part of our lives and those around us in one way or the other may it socially,...

Six Things to Discuss With Your Private Tutor Before Hiring

11 December 2017

Undoubtedly, hiring the right private tutor can significantly enhance one’s learning process. However, selecting the right one is the first step to take towards that...

Tables Turn: Parents are the Ones Who Needs a Tutor

04 November 2017

Tuition for parents is a new trend in Singapore where parents are taking short crash courses with the goal of helping their children with their...

5 Biggest Misconceptions of Hiring a Tutor

30 October 2017

Hiring an experienced tutor might be the best decision you ever make for your child’s education and career. However, even in this day and age,...

Tuition Centre or Private Tuition: Which is Better for Him?

28 October 2017

Classrooms, teachers, fellow students and learning activities are all the right combinations that are supposed to make learning fun and easy for your kid. Children...

Group Tuition vs. Private Tuition: Which One Is Good for Your Child?

26 October 2017

Every year, thousands of anxious parents look for tutoring to help their struggling children cope with the ever-increasingly difficult MOE examinations. However, there has been...