SmileTutor Blog General Others Best Spotify Music Playlists To Listen To While Studying

Best Spotify Music Playlists To Listen To While Studying

Are you having difficulties concentrating while you study? 

As a student in the past myself, I understand the struggle to concentrate while studying. This is especially so when you are studying outside where there are numerous distractions around you and it just seems impossible to focus! 

Personally, one thing that I always do is to plug my headphones in and listen to music. Music helps me to realign my focus and allow me to work in a calm and conducive environment. 

If you focus better with music, you’re in the right place! With the endless variety of music, how do you choose the right music to help you to concentrate best?

In this article, I’ll be sharing some of the best Spotify music playlists to listen to that will help you to focus better.

Lofi Beats 


First let’s start off with the recently trending Lofi Beats. 

Lofi Beats is a genre of music that mashes up traditional hip-hop and jazz genres to create an atmospheric and instrumental soundscape. 

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Lofi Beats is simple and is a timeless sound that has bare structure that can help you to clear your mind and feel peaceful. 

Lofi Beats is relaxing and calming to listen to and helps you to focus better on your task. 

If Lofi Beats music is for you, here are the few good Spotify playlists you can go to: 

Chill Lofi Study Beats

Lofi hip hop music – beats to relax/study to

Lofi Beats

Lofi Music 2021| Chill Beats to sleep, study to

Soft Pop


Next, while pop is one of the most popular genres, you may not have heard of soft pop.

Soft pop music helps to put us in a relaxing mood which is perfect for studying and helps to increase concentration levels.

If you are seeking a relaxing and light-hearted atmosphere, soft pop is the one for you. 

However, soft pop music may come with lyrics. If you are seeking a serene and tranquil atmosphere, you might want to go for other genres! 

Here are some suggested soft pop Spotify playlists you can go to: 

Study Zone

Working from Home

Sunny Day

Brekkie time



If you love the sounds of electronics music,, this might just be the one for you! 

Don’t be mistaken! I am not referring to the loud and boomy Electronics Dance music (EDM). Rather, I am talking about soft electronics music that can provide you with a calm background music to listen to while you study. 

Soft electronics genre provides you with a soothing music background while keeping you awake and attentive

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If Electronics music is for you, here are some suggested Spotify playlists you can go to: 

Brain Food 


Electronics Focus

Coffee Beats



Unlike the modern genres, classical music provides you an alternative of a calm and soothing music. 

Many of these classical songs may be old but never doubt the power of a good classical playlist! 

Classical songs put you in a better concentration and it can also help you to reduce stress when studying. 

Have you ever heard of the Mozart effect

The Mozart effects is a theory that listening to Mozart’s music helps to boost your IQ temporarily. 

While this is not scientifically proven, many turn to classical music for a conducive environment to study in. 

If Classical music is your thing, you may want to try listening to the following playlists: 

Classical Focus

Mozart study

Classical Music for Studying

Classical Essentials



Another old but classic genre is Jazz. 

Many people tend to think of Jazz as loud and roaring music. However, Jazz has actually provided us many mellow and smoothing songs

Jazz often helps to put us in a soothing and tranquil mood which helps you stay unwind on the current task. 

If you like the ‘Jazzy’ vibes, you can visit the following playlists:

Jazz for study

Jazz in the background

Jazz for reading

Chilled Jazz

Piano instrumental 


Piano is a magical music instrument that can bring people into a different zone with its soft and rich sounds. 

Piano instruments can help us to focus and to hone on our thoughts process without getting distracted. 

If you need a serene atmosphere, this is for you! 

With just a simple instrument, its music can bring you to a calm and gentle state of mind

If piano instrumental music is for you, here are some playlists you can consider: 

Focus Piano

Perfect concentration

Peaceful piano

Piano study

Intense studying



Many of you may not have heard of post rock before but post rock is a unique genre emerging rock instruments and electronics. 

Do not be mistaken by its name! 

Unlike contemporary indie rock, post-rock is more similar to ambient music, minimalist classic and electronics. 

Post rock allows you to possess a poised and composed feeling and gives you ample space to relax and focus on your work. 

You can explore the following Spotify playlists for a taste of soft rock music: 

Calm before the storm

Post rock Top tracks

Deep focus

Post rock

Nature sounds


Last but definitely not least, nature sounds is one of the most relaxing and calming music. 

What better way to create a stress free environment than to listen to calming nature sounds while you study? 

From gentle rainfall to nature noises, there is a wide variety of nature sounds available for you to keep calm and study! 

However, if you find yourself struggling to stay awake while studying, this might not be the best choice for you.

Visit the following Spotify playlists for soothing nature sounds:

Natural concentration

Gentle rain

Nature sounds

Nature noises


That is all I have for you! 

As different people are more inclined to different genres of music, I hope that you’ll be able to find your ideal study playlist

Of course, you can and should explore the variety of playlists available and try out different types of music! 

You can even create your own personal playlist to pick up your personal favourites. 

I hope that this article has been helpful for you and wish you a productive and efficient studying session! 

If you need help in your studies, contact us to get a home tutor!

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Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.