SmileTutor Blog Students Advice For Students 5 High-Income Jobs That Require Us To Be Good At English

5 High-Income Jobs That Require Us To Be Good At English

What are your views when it comes to learning English as a compulsory subject in school?

Many students dread studying English in school and there could be multiple reasons behind it, such as students coming from non-english speaking families or finding it hard to understand grammar rules.

If you’re one of these students who dislike studying English, well, this article might very well just change your mindset.

The Ubiquity of English Language

Did you know that English is the 3rd most spoken language in the world with at least 379 million native speakers?

It originated in Britain and has spread its influence across different countries all over the world.

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In Singapore, English is a compulsory language taught in school as it is the middle language for different races to communicate.

There are many unexpected countries that have imposed English as their official language, such as Cameroon, Ghana, Jamaica, Kenya, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, South Africa, etc.

Including Singapore and the countries listed above, there are about 67 countries that use English as an official language.

That’s how much of an influence Britain has left on this world.

High-Income English Major Jobs 

Many individuals think that possessing a degree in English is not as beneficial as possessing an Engineering degree.

However, having a degree in English actually brings you many high-income job opportunities that you might not think would come along with it.

Here are some of the most lucrative jobs for English majors.

1. Freelance Writer

Freelance writers are those who produce written materials for their clients and there are many people who use their writing skills to make a living.

There are many freelance writers who have the freedom of choosing their working hours, the assignments they want to do, and the location they want to work at (basically they get to work from home everyday).

Apart from the added freedom of being a freelance writer, they tend to earn quite a lot of money with professionals charging between $100-$1,000 for an article.

Think about it, you can earn over $5,000 a month just by writing two articles a day!

How lucrative!

2. News Reporter

As a news reporter, the content you’re covering can range from local to international events.

Most of the time, you’ll be working in an office or studio.

But, you can expect to find yourself often working outside of your office to source and gather information.

Working as a News Reporter, you’re required to be able to speak confidently in front of a camera with a strong command of English, which is why this job requires you to be good at English.

According to SalaryExpert, News Reporter in Singapore earns an average of $96,705 annually!

Hence, if you like sourcing for information and being the first person to know all the details, this is a job you’ll definitely love!

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3. Announcer

As an announcer, your job scope can vary from presenting news, sports, music, to providing commentary or interviewing guests.

Some announcers are also hired to act as emcees on social events such as weddings, clubs, and parties.

Being an announcer, you’re required to be up to date with present news and events such as politics or sports so that you know what to present when on air.

Certain announcers such as James Corden who hosts the Late Late Show collaborate with and schedule famous celebrities as guests on their shows to provide content.

Announcers have to maintain a friendly, welcoming, and funny personality to engage their audience, even if they’re having a bad day.

Similar to being a News Reporter, being an announcer requires you to have a strong command of English and be able to speak confidently in front of a camera.

That’s no easy task.

Famous announcers like James Corden earn about $9 million annually.

According to SalaryExpert, a senior level announcer earns an average annual salary of $120,345!

So, if you’re someone who is extremely sociable and loves presenting, this might just be the career for you.

4. English Teacher

Being a teacher in Singapore is a rather lucrative job as they are quite highly paid.

Primary school teachers are earning around $57,000 annually while secondary school teachers are earning around $68,000.

Rookie teachers who’ve just graduated and passed NIE usually earn around $3,500 per month, which isn’t so bad for your first full-time job.

However, the downside to being a full-time teacher is long working hours, which cause them to have a poor work-life balance.

Teachers are often expected to arrive in school by 7am, about 30 minutes before assembly time.

Coming for work earlier than most office workers doesn’t mean that teachers get to leave earlier.

Most teachers stay past 6pm to finish their work or assigned duties such as Co-curricular activities (CCA) duties.

Despite the long working hours, teachers also often bring work home in the evenings and weekends.

Most teachers are expected to teach multiple classes, and 1 class can contain up to 40 students.

If you teach 3 classes of 40 students, that’s 120 scripts of homework to mark everyday.

There are many cases of teachers leaving their job to be tutors instead as the working hours are more flexible and they’ve more time for themselves.

Despite the long working hours, teachers do get their well deserved long holidays during December as well.

Furthermore, being a teacher is an extremely meaningful job as you’re helping to shape the younger generations who will take on Singapore’s economy in the future!

However, there’s another option – if you want to make a difference by teaching students but don’t want to have endless meetings and heavy pressure from your school, perhaps being a tutor is more suited for you.

You can visit SmileTutor to register as one! Tutors can also earn quite a lot of income.

5. Translator

As a Singaporean, chances are you’re bilingual.

If you’re someone who is fluent in both English and Mother Tongue language, you can use your linguistic skills and work as a translator.

Not many people in this world are bilingual, which is why big e-commerce companies in China are hiring people who are fluent in both English and Chinese to translate their Chinese catalogues into English so that they can cater to more people worldwide.

Who knows, if you’re extremely good and talented, you might even be able to work as the President’s personal translator when he/she is having a meeting with other countries’ presidents.

According to SalaryExplorer, a translator earns an average annual salary of $82,600.


Have these high-income jobs made you more inspired than ever to do well in English?

If you are someone who is struggling with English, why not get extra help by hiring an experienced English tutor!

What are you waiting for?

Check out our website now to find out more!

Here are some related articles you might like to read:

Learn English Through Movies And Films- A Complete Guide

Singaporean Parents: Help your Child Learn English at Home


Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.