SmileTutor Blog Parents Parenting Tips 5 Foreign Languages Singapore Kids Should Learn

5 Foreign Languages Singapore Kids Should Learn

Schools in Singapore teach languages as subjects. Mandarin, English, Malay and Tamil. You may be wondering if it’s necessary for your child to learn a few foreign languages.

Well, many parents in Singapore are paying for their kids to get tuition in other languages. Being a foreign language tutor in Singapore is a lucrative job now because of this.

Many children’s programs on the television have characters that teach children foreign languages. Studies have also proven that learning foreign languages help to boost a child’s memory, cognitive and social skills.

Why Should My Child Learn A Foreign Language?

Other benefits of learning a foreign language are:

Studies show that kids who can think in foreign languages have great logic and problem-solving skills.

Improved mental acuity

A better understanding of other people and the cultures and mannerisms.

An increased resistance to mental health problems, such as dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Better job opportunities await children with knowledge of some foreign languages.

These are attractive enough for you to hire a tutor and enroll your child in foreign language tuition sessions.

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What Age Should My Kid Start Learning A Foreign Language?

Studies show that it is best for kids to start learning as young as possible, preferably before they hit 13 years of age. Children can learn languages, including accents, at a young age. This becomes harder as they get older. One such example is with Chinese tuition in Singapore.

Fluency isn’t an urgent matter. As long as your child can speak the language conversationally, that is alright. Use books, DVDs, and games to help your child learn. A tutor and some tuition won’t be amiss either. If you can speak a bit of the language your kids are learning, speak it with them. It helps for them to have someone to talk within the foreign language they are learning.

Now that you have settled when your kids should start, you have another problem.

What Foreign Languages Should Your Kids Learn?

Some parents decide to teach the language of their grandparents or ancestors. Or if the parents are of different language groups, the child gets to learn both parents’ languages. Sometimes, parents even learn alongside with their child so he or she will have an environment to practice in.

If you are interested in exploring other languages for your child, here are the options for you.

Foreign Languages That Will Benefit Children

1. Spanish

Spanish is a very common language spoken worldwide. It is also a very easy language to learn, especially if you are already well-versed in the English language. The words are mostly pronounced as they are written. Verb conjugations aren’t extremely complex.

There are a lot of learning materials for children when it comes to Spanish. There are also a lot of job opportunities for Spanish-speaking people. Learning Spanish will also make it easier for your child to learn French, Italian, and Portuguese – the Romance languages (of which Spanish is a part of).

2. French

French is also a very common language, spoken by many people in the world across continents. It is usually among the top foreign languages to teach children, and you should consider this for your children in Singapore.

French is easy learning, and easier still once you have a good grasp of English and Spanish. Once your kids understand that French children have masculine, feminine, and neutral firms of words, they will catch on easily.

French is great for those with hopes to become diplomats. There are universities that offer degrees in French. And it would be nice to know some French whenever you go on a tour of France.

3. Italian

Another great foreign language to learn is Italian. It may not be as widely spoken as Spanish and French, but it has its own charm.

Italy is another lovely tourist destination, so it would be handy to know some Italian before going there. Also, Italian is the closest language there is to Latin. Italy is also a fast-growing business center and economy.

Learning the language can increase your chances of getting a job there. Italian is also a language you just want to learn the way it sounds. Sentimental, but true.

4. German

Germany has one of the strongest economies in the world. It is also a major international exporter, with several companies located worldwide, and their cars have driven everywhere there is a road.

Germany is also an easy language for children who know English to learn. Finding a German tutor shouldn’t be difficult, and arranging tuition sessions will greatly benefit your child.

With a strong economy and great support for businesses, Germany is also a place of job opportunities. Knowing some German will definitely increase your changes there.

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5. Japanese

The Chinese language is already learned by many children in Singapore. Japanese would it look so strange to them. Japan has a thriving economy and tourism industry, so learning Japanese will be a plus if you are visiting or job hunting in Japan.

A plus point that the Japanese language is always highly sought after in the service and IT industry in Singapore. With an added language means your child has an added advantage over other job seekers.

With Singapore Government gearing towards making our country technological friendly, it is no qualms that being well versed in Japanese and Japan’s culture, being one of the world advance technological countries will have its advantages.


So there you have it, foreign languages your kids should learn. The list goes on. It all depends on you and your child’s interests. Some children may get bored after learning one foreign language. Other may develop an affinity for learning foreign languages. Work with your children accordingly.

Do bear in mind the time they have to truly grasp a new language. Teach them when they are really young. Learn it with them so that they will have someone to converse within a foreign language. This will prevent them from getting rusty. If there are any other languages you think your kids ought to learn, discuss with a competent tutor.

We have more of the above articles to provide tips for your child’s learning:

How to Use Word Problems to Help Young Children Learn Algebra Quickly
How Much Does a Bilingual Home Environment Help Young Students?

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.