SmileTutor Blog Students Exam Tips What to do if Your O-Level Results are Bad

What to do if Your O-Level Results are Bad

When you have bad O-level results it could mean that you do not qualify for Poly or JC. In such a situation, it is OK if you have a good cry first. This is because it is very likely that you are aged below 21 and so legally you still are a child. However, let the sadness be for only one day, and not more than that. You need to realize that the past is over and it is not possible to change it. However, you still have a chance to influence what your future will turn out to be.

So, how will you go about in handling bad results in your O-level? Here we take a look at some useful tips to help you manage poor results.

Don’t blame others

As you seek to make any type of improvement in yourself. It is then not advisable that you go about blaming your tutors, teachers, the textbooks and of course not your pet dog who at one time chewed up the homework (so you had said). in all this, you can only blame yourself. This was your show. And only you will fail yourself. On the same note only you will make yourself succeed. So, blaming others is only passing the buck. Take the responsibility and own it. This will make the process of accepting failure much easier for you. After accepting failure, now what?

Search and find the real you

The next step will probably be that you take the time to truly search and understand yourself. How can I do this? You could start by first asking yourself some questions and depending on the answers you provide, you will be able to find the real you. Some of the questions you can ask yourself are; What are you really interested in? What are you passionate about? It could be you are not the kind of person who simply sits still and do their studying. Could be that you have some real talent in the Arts or Music instead?

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Reflect on yourself

Another thing you can do after you have gotten poor results in your O-level is to probably understand and find out what led to your poor performance. How can you arrive at a clear conclusion on this? By asking some question, you will get to understand those factors that made you have such a performance. Some of these questions are What went wrong? Here you can list issues that might have had play in the results being bad – lack of revision, poor time-management, addiction to the computer games etc. The answers to these questions are the things that, when followed can lead to your success.

Work first to gain some experience

You can also consider finding work first so that you gain experience of the thing you enjoy doing. It can be good when you become an apprentice in a place that there is skilled employment. This can be for instance be in a watch shop, spectacle shop, jewelry shop, bakery, air-con repair shop, etc. In so doing, you will be able to determine whether the job you are doing interests you. When not, you have the chance to create chances and even find that job that you enjoy most.

Go to Specialised School such as NAFA or LaSalle

For those who are very talented in music, some sport, or the arts, you can apply to a specialized school that will cater to your particular talent. This can either within Singapore or even overseas (this could be more tolerant of your past). Alternatively, for someone with talent in music, you can try to catch some attention by sharing a video of your music gig on YouTube. The key here is that you do not get lazy and instead have some courage to take action. Simply put: do something, don’t sit and wait or feel sorry for yourself.

Redo your O-levels

For someone aged under a certain age (confirm with the MOE), it is possible for you to redo your sec school. You will still need the proper environment and support. But if you don’t like the teachers in your old school, you could self-study (and remember to register for O-levels), enroll in a private school, get tuition, or private education programme like the Singapore Learner Academy. But when you continue the bad habits and strategies or you just didn’t like the subjects you are taking. It will then be very hard to maintain focus and be self-disciplined.

Apply to the ITE

What course can you take at the ITE? Don’t attend the ITE when you aim to become employed later in life. Instead, attend the ITE so that you learn a skill that allows you to establish your own business. Thus, what technical skills are ideal for business? For you to be able to do electrical wiring or plumbing, you will actually need a license issued by the government. Later, you could become the managing director or owner of a plumbing or an electrical company. Or you could migrate to America, Europe, or Australia who need skilled personnel, rather than university graduates.

Apply to take a diploma or a degree in private schools

Though the degree or diploma may not be recognized by the Singaporean government for work purposes in the public service or in govt-linked firms like SIA or Singtel. Why do many students who might have performed poorly in their O-Levels go for this option? This is because it will make them feel better, even when the degree or diploma they pursue is an external one. However, when you didn’t attain 5 O-Level passes inclusive of passes in Math and English. Then it could someday come back and haunt you. This is because getting promoted or changing jobs will be affected by the O-levels grades.

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Take away

When you have bad O-level results, realize that this is not the end of your life. Instead, consider the other alternative that is available for you. Above-mentioned are some options that you could use to help you move past the poor grades.

For more articles to help you to score in your exams:

How Do You Prepare For Singapore GCE O-Level As A Private Candidate?
How to Use the Internet to Become an Elite Student


Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.