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Tuition Centre or Private Tuition: Which is Better for Him?

Classrooms, teachers, fellow students and learning activities are all the right combinations that are supposed to make learning fun and easy for your kid. Children have different abilities; some can learn the daily lessons quick while others might not be able to due to certain factors. Due to distraction from other students or low concentration, even low self-esteem that leads to failing grades, a child might need extra attention to help him catch up with others.

So as a parent, you are torn between sending your kid to a tuition center or private tuition, just which one is better?

Common Misconceptions About Tuition

Many parents in Singapore prefer sending their children to tuition centers because some big brand named centers has higher tuition fees, leading the parents to think that the more expensive, the better education being offered. They are wrong because education is not weighed by how expensive it is but how your child’s ability to absorb what is being taught.

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Secondly, many parents believe that tuition centers have more students to encourage peer learning. When in fact, studies have found that the higher the number of students in class, the less individual attention will be provided to each child. This could mean that your child might end up having the same problems that he was having in class at school. On the other hand, a private tutor will pay particular attention to your child personally and help him wherever he might be having difficulty. You can be assured that the lesson plan is tailored to his needs whether it is the core subjects like English tuition to additional subjects like Biology tuition.

The third misconception about tuition centers is that they have qualified teachers. The truth is teaching centers are a lucrative business, however, not everyone who opens an education center is qualified. Hence there are chances that the tuition center may hire someone who is barely qualified. On the other hand, if you decide to hire a private tutor to teach your child at home, you can ask to verify the qualification of the teacher who is going to teach your child.

A Flexible Tuition Option

Private tutors are more flexible and convenient since the teacher has to come to your house and you can arrange the time when he/she can attend to your child. That is not all; you will have an opportunity of monitoring how your child is attended to. You can watch whether the private tutor is suitable for your child and if they are a perfect match.

Additional Tuition Charges

You might be asking yourself, “if private tuition is better than tuition centers, why is it that home tuition is cheaper than teaching centers?” That is because you can’t place a price on the quality of education.

Do you know why some private tutors’ fees are lower than tuition centers? It is because private tutors do not have to pay a rental fee for the premises that they are conducting their classes but the tuition centers charge higher so that they can be able to pay the bills and make some profit too.

That is not all; private tutors do not have miscellaneous fees like registration fee and no one-month deposits since you are paying the teacher only for the services he/she offers to your son. Tuition centers might need you to purchase extra teaching materials in order for your child to participate in class. These are hidden costs that you might not be aware of until you signed up for the lessons.

Bespoke Services

I have had private tuition when I was young and I had been a private tutor myself too. Having dedicated teacher mentoring my work and guiding me through difficult questions, allow me fully appreciate the one to one attention. Your child will not be afraid to ask repeated questions until he grasped the concept 100%. Unlike in a class, he might feel pressured to stay quiet in order not to appear dumb in front of his peers. That will defeat the purpose of additional learning.

Every child is an individual, with different learning pace and should be groom meticulously in order to bring out the best in him. As a parent, you know your child best and you definitely will want to provide the best for him. If peer pressure and class environment allow your child to absorb better through team participation, please opt for tuition group classes.

However, if he benefits more from a tailored study plan that improves his weakness and hones his strengths, a private tutor might just be the right choice for both of you.

Still want to compare? Check out our infographic Group Tuition vs. Private Tuition: Which One Is Good for Your Child?

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.