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Smart Ways to Use Social Media Increase Your Students Intake as a Tutor in Singapore

It’s not easy to find students these days. As a tutor, you face a lot of challenges in securing students as the competition gets fiercer and fiercer. Traditional marketing methods such as paying for newspaper ads don’t work as well as they used to, and posting ads online is also an increasingly crowded and overused tactic.

Social media is often underused but is actually a great channel to use to improve one’s tutoring business. Businesses of all kinds are now starting to use social media to market their business as it is very easy to target the right audience for the business. For a tutoring business, having a good social media strategy can help you bring in steady clients so you can focus on teaching!

To get you started, here are some ways you can apply to your social media site to increase your student count.

Know the right social media to use

With the number of social media sites available, sign up for one that will help you reach your target students. Especially if you are just starting as a new tutor, there is no need for you to apply to all the social media sites as not all social media sites will work well for a tutoring business.

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Facebook is definitely the site to consider because you can target parents, who are often the decision-makers in engaging tuition. You can create a page for your tutoring service and update it with relevant content about your tutoring. What’s also great with Facebook is the fact it can let your clients reach out to you directly by messaging the page or commenting on your posts.

If you will be teaching visual subjects like arts and crafts, it is best to use social media sites that use photos or videos often. These sites include Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest.

If you are offering specialized courses like MBA, PhD and examination tutoring, using Twitter or LinkedIn is the way to go as your target audience are likely to be working professionals.

Create Good Content

Whether you are using Facebook or some other social media site, you should make sure that your content is relevant and interesting. It must also be related to your tutoring business and get clients curious about your services.

You can start creating good content by creating a blog or sharing useful infographics. You can also talk about your experiences as a tutor and what advice you can give to students.

You can also share the posts you share on your tutoring page to your own account and retweet the content, especially if it is related to your business.

Use relevant and trending hashtags

Nowadays, if you want to find specific content online, the best way to do it is by using hashtags.

Hashtags are popular on Twitter and Instagram, allowing users to talk or share posts about certain subjects or ideas. Users simply have to search for the hashtag and find the post they want to discuss.

Businesses are now using hashtags to get online users to check their content. It also helps bring in value to their posts and make it easier to locate. When you use hashtags for your social media posts, make sure you research for the right hashtags.

For your tutoring business, some of the hashtags you can use include #tutor #online #education #tutorbusiness #singaporetutor #singaporetuition

Update posts on a regular basis

Aside from using relevant hashtags for your content, you should regularly update your page.

Doing regular updates will help show clients that you are always available to answer inquiries. It will also show your potential clients your dedication to helping students learn most.

To ensure all your social media pages are up-to-date, why not use plug-ins that will allow you to connect your updates and share it to all your social media pages? This will reduce the need for you to update your pages manually.

You can also use the “Scheduled Post” function of your social media page. This feature will automatically post your content on the schedule you provided.

Post engaging visuals or videos

Having a social media account is a must nowadays because of its popularity. Instagram, in particular, is getting a lot of users because of the type of content that can be uploaded through the site.

If you will be offering a session for creative arts, Instagram is the way to go. You can also use Facebook or YouTube to add links to your page. The content can be anything related to your business, like how your students improved under your care.

You can also post videos about topics you like to discuss further to your students or new tutorials for others to try.

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Using visual content will help potential clients become less wary about you. When they see these content, they will know you know what you are doing. If you are just starting, don’t hesitate to share related content that students can use.

Allow testimonials and feedbacks

When you already set up your business and have regular students, why not let them share their thoughts on your social media page?

Ask your existing students if they can comment on your social media page. Their comments will let new clients know more about you and your service. Remember, every positive review counts and the more you have, the more likely people will reach out to you.

Of course, when you do get feedback or comments, make it a point to reach out to their senders. Make sure your answers are professional and do not argue with those who sent negative reviews. Use those negative reviews to improve your service.

Follow influencers

We recommended that you follow education influencers in social media and reach out to them. Influencers can give excellent advice and even help you with your problems.

It may take a while to build a relationship with these influencers considering their popularity. However, once you do make your relationship click, they will follow your account back and direct their followers to you.


Social media has a lot of benefits to any business that uses it. It will assist businesses to grow and discover opportunities their business can still reach. With the right social media page, marketing technique, dedication and patience, your tutoring business will flourish without worries.

For tips and tricks to allow your tutoring business to flourish, here are some articles to help you:

Essential Phone Interview Tips A Tutor Ought To Know
10 Actionable Ways Singapore Tutors can Market Themselves to Get More Students

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.