SmileTutor Blog Parents Key Decisions Should Your Child Do Homework During School Holidays?

Should Your Child Do Homework During School Holidays?

School holidays are a trial for many parents because it means our children are at home full-time. Since there is no school, children want to break free and relax from their studies, doing something fun.

The very idea of studying during school holidays for kids is blasphemy to them. I hated to do any kind of revision during that period when I was young too.

It is a worry on the back of your mind that they may forget the things they have learnt from school if they play too much. If they do forget, it may affect their academic performance then it is back to square one.

If you are considering taking steps to ensure your child is productive during the holidays, here are some suggestions for you to consider:

Allow free time but not too much

During the first few days of your child’s school holiday, let them rest and do whatever he likes. Your child deserves to have some time to rest their weary muscles and brains from studying hard.

If you force them to keep on studying, they may burn out and be resistant to your efforts. Studying without a break can also affect what your child retains in their classes.

If they play all the time and not touch their school things, allow them to do so. You can always get them to study once they are fully rested. After the first week, some kind of revision should be introduced into their routine.

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Stick to your timetable

Once your child has rested for a few days, speak to him about a timetable on how much study work they should do during this time. Agree on how much studies they should work on and how often it should be done.

When you set up the timetable, make sure that your child follows it. If your child sticks by your agreed schedule, don’t try adding more to it.

Remember, while learning should never stop, your child is on a holiday! Their schedule should still have fun activities in it which they can’t do a lot on a normal school day.

Structure is good

If you do not want to create a schedule, you can help your child plan out their schedule for the day.

Helping them think about what they can do for the day can give them some ideas on how they can spend their holiday. You could advise them to play with their friends, read a new book or even play a few games with you.

Of course, don’t force them to follow your plans and encourage them to create a schedule they can stick with.

If you assert what you think is good, your child will be resistant to the idea and do something else. Presenting ideas will be ok and wait for the child to decide on their own.

Brief study time

While taking a break from too much studying is alright, school holidays can be a long time for your child to be away from their books.

If they do take a break from studying for a long time, there is a real risk they may forget their lessons. Younger children could find it difficult to focus on their lessons if they are not regularly reminded of the things they need to remember.

Speak to your child on revising their subjects during their holiday, like a few hours every week, so they won’t forget what was previously taught. You know, out of sight, out of mind!

Make sure that their study times are not too long and they should be easy to follow for your kids. Check their progress regularly and make sure they do not change their study times.

Consider enrichment classes

If your child shows promise with certain subjects or if they wish to do some studying, then don’t be afraid to get them enrolled in one or two classes.

Holiday enrichment classes are regularly offered by schools, community centres and training centres. From academic enrichment classes to non-academic classes like arts and music, it is available for students to pick from.

If you can’t enrol your child in any of these facilities, consider getting a tutor. These tutors can design bespoke classes and activities that can help your child study and have fun at the same time.

Of course, make sure that you do not enrol him to too much enrichment classes or have their tutors take time in one subject. If your child is going to too many classes, your child may lose interest.

It is also possible your child cannot keep up or feel overwhelmed because he does not know which class, to begin with first. You should also ask your child if they want these classes.

Do note that some kids may prefer learning on their own in their own convenience. I am one of them!

Back to school routine

When your child’s school holiday is almost to a close, you should make sure their mindset is ready to go back to school. If their mindset is still on holiday, they could find it difficult to readjust and absorb their new lessons.

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One or two weeks before holiday is done, get their schedule back to their usual school routine. Wake them up on their usual wake up time when school is in and get them to sleep early.

Not only will this help your child be ready to resume school, but it also helps them be well-rested.


When your child goes on a school holiday, don’t immediately fret that they may forget what they learnt. Your child also needs to recover from a busy school year before they can take in new things.

As parents, make sure to balance out their holiday by ensuring that rest, fun and learning activities wouldn’t clash with one another. A good balance will ensure your child is well-rested and ready to go back to school after their holidays.

For school holidays inspired activities, we have great suggestions here:

6 Things You Can Do For Your Kids During The Year End Holidays To Prep Them For 2018

Activities for Kids during June & December Holidays

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.