SmileTutor Blog Students Exam Tips Revision Planner For SATs

Revision Planner For SATs

SAT examinations, also referred to as SAT reasoning tests are a type of exam that is used to determine whether a person is ready to join a college in the US or not. These tests are used to test your preparedness to start your college education. It is a critical examination for to join any college. Among the areas that you will be tested include maths, writing skills and reading. For you to succeed in this test, you need proper guidance on how to achieve the best results. It is crucial for you to know which strings to pull for you to perform well.

For you to do well in this exam, it is paramount that you follow the review techniques that will help you succeed. Since you are going to sit for this exam, you need to do all that is within your powers to ensure that you succeed.

It is vital that you revise well and do a lot of practice assessments for your SATs. How often have you heard this phrase, “practice makes perfect”. This expression holds true when preparing for the SAT examinations. The more you practice, the better prepared you become with the format and the better you will become in answering the questions with confidence leading to success.

Creating An Action Plan

The very first step to doing well in your SAT exam is to start preparing for the examination. Preparation for the exam requires you to find a study friendly environment – a quiet, well-lit room with all the necessary study materials. The next step is to make a study timetable. When you are making your study schedule, ensure that you give more time to those areas that you are weak so that you can have ample time to revise thoroughly for the exam.

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Proper preparation and having a working timetable is not enough. You need to have a target of what you want to achieve. Setting achievable goals will act as a catalyst to give you a reason to want to study for this exam.

Memory Tricks

One of the tested and proven ways of memorising what you have learnt is to make short hand notes as you study. The short notes will refresh your memory when will revise them. You can choose to stick your short hand notes on the places that you visit most frequently while you are in the house. As you will be going about your chores in the house, you will see your notes, and it will help keep the points learnt fresh in your mind.

Another memory trick that you can use is to underline the important points in your notes to help you remember them quickly when revising. To remember what you have learnt better, you need to be relaxed and happy.

Get a Personal Tutor

At times, personal preparation for the SAT exam can prove cumbersome hence you will need the services of a more experienced and professional help. Get an experienced tutor to guide you and advise you on how you can pass your exam by learning the right revision and exam techniques. You deserve to get all the help that is available so that you can maximise your potential and excel in your SAT. Do not hesitate to ask your tutor hard questions in areas that you have difficulties.

Match Their Learning Style

We have three different types of learners who prepare for the SAT exam, and they are:

• Visual Learner
These are those kids who learn well with the aid of bright colours. In such a case, ensure that you obtain a coloured highlighter to use in underlining and shading the important points that you are learning.

• Auditory Learner
As the name suggests, these are those students who learn best by listening. In that case, it is best to record the notes or read them aloud so that they can be able to hear as they learn.

• Active Learner
These are those students who cannot sit at one point and study, but they must move from one place to another. If your child is of this kind, obtain a device that will help him to learn while on the move.

If you as a parent have these three kinds of kids and they are all studying together, you can mix all the three learning methods together to make their learning easier and bit the time.

Stay Positive

The greatest enemy to performing well in any exams is fear. If you want to pass with flying colours, then ensure that you develop a positive mind set. Positivity is essential to success in any other field. Look deep into yourself and find out what you are good at. How did you master that area in which you are good at? All the time as you prepare for your SAT exam, every time you sit to study and every waking minute, repeat it to yourself that you can perform well in your exams.

Remember the goals that you have set for yourself and focus towards achieving this aim. Find those things that make you feel relaxed and at ease. Remember, SAT is just an exam whose purpose is to help you get to the next level of the education. Stay focused and do not allow anything else to absorb your energies rather than your studies. At the end of it all, remember that there is life after that exam and failing is not the end of education.

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It is a good thing to worry about the SAT exams because this is likely to lead you to start preparing for the exam. However, you should not over worry because it will affect your preparation negatively. Adequate preparation for the SAT exam will go a long way in helping you to succeed and see you through the SAT with minimum difficulty and attain the maximum score to help you join college.

Best wishes for your SAT exams and a bright future after that.

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.