SmileTutor Blog Students Exam Tips Detailed Breakdown Of SAT Components

Detailed Breakdown Of SAT Components

SAT is the standardized exam taken by students who wish to get admission in US universities. This test can be taken any time of the year and it is often recommended you take the test one to two years before applying to the US University you wish to apply. The SAT test is also a subject test which, although, not a requirement, can help boost your chances of admission. The test can be taken in the between the months of October to June.

Students who perform well on their SAT tests often possess a wide range of vocabulary and good reading skills. These students are also good at sustaining the pressure of answering the test questions within a short time as the SAT covers many sections. The SAT test is scored on a point scale of 200-800 for each section and the total maximum score is 1600. The two sections of the SAT are – 1. Mathematics, and 2. Reading, Writing. Any score above 1200 is often considered as a good score. SAT test results are often released within 4-5 weeks after they have been administered, and students can view them online.

Obtaining a score higher than 1200 is not impossible, in fact, it is easy if you have done your proper preparation and find the right tutor to assist you.

Reading Test

The reading test includes:

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An excerpted text derived from the contemporary or classic work of world or US literature.

You may get a text or several texts from any of the U.S founding documents, or a related passage.

The reading test will have a selection in either sociology, economics, psychology or another social science subject.

Your child will be offered 2 scientific passages that will cover basic concepts and important developments in biology, chemistry, Earth science or physics.

When taking the Reading test you will be required to read passages and make interpretation of informational pictorials given. Then using the information gained to help answer some set test questions. Some of the set questions will be asking you to find information from the given texts, as well as understand and make the conclusion of ideas given in the passages.

Writing And Language Test

In order to be able to answer the questions, you will be required to read passages, find and correct writing mistakes. Other questions will require you to read an entire essay or make an interpretation of a graphic. For example, you may be required to pick a sentence or a chart that best clears a scientific fact misunderstanding. The question may need your child to choose a statement that best explains the significance of the information given.

The essays your child will be required to work on will vary from non-fiction narratives to arguments and they will cover subjects like social studies, history, science, humanities or even careers.

Math Test

The SAT Math Test focuses mainly on the three main areas that are common in many university majors and careers. These are:

Algebra, whose main focus is the mastery of the linear equations and the systems of linear functions.

Data analysis and problem-solving which requires you to be able to work with statistical data, and your problem-solving skills.

Passport of Advanced Math which covers questions that work with manipulation of complex math equations.

The SAT Math test further sets question from additional Math topics like trigonometry and geometry with relevance to your college of choice and career path. During the Math test, scientific and graphing calculators are permitted although not often recommended for students.

SAT Essay

SAT Essay is believed by many to be the toughest part of the SAT test and it is optional for students. Before choosing the SAT essay, confirm with the college you intend to join whether it is a requirement for your admission. Further more the SAT essay is a good way for you to showcase your writing and analytical skills.

The SAT test is made up of one passage which you are required to read and then give your response. In your response, you will be able to analyze the argument by the author. In order to write a persuasive essay, you will have to focus on the author’s use of reasoning, evidence and other important rhetorical methods. Your essay should however not be an explanation of if you agree with the authors stand point but an explanation of how the author supports his case.

Being familiar with the essay prompt before hand will help save you a lot of time, therefore, increasing your chances of writing a strong essay. One thing to note is that the essay task is always the same in each test.

Tutor Or Mentor To Help

Good preparation for your SAT test is a sure way to help you reach your goals. If self-study may prove challenging for you, may be a private lesson setting study method will work best for you. Tutors help you improve and build your vocabulary as well as increase your test scores. The constant practice tests your tutor will offer you will help you familiarize with what to expect for your test.

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Tutors will also help you fine tune your Math skills which will help you better answer the Math test of the SAT. Since a mentor is able to point out where your weak points are, you are then able to work towards improving these areas. Tutors and mentors can also give you techniques on how you can best work around your weak areas of your study, making it easier for you when doing your revision and preparations.


SAT is the standardized international exam which Singaporean students who wish to get admission in US universities can take. It is often recommended that your child do the test 2 years prior to applying for a place at the university he wishes to attend.

The SAT is aimed at testing a students writing and literary skills that are required for his academic success. The SAT has four sections; writing and Language, Math and reading tests. The SAT essay test is optional but plays a very important role as it is basically all what your child will be doing in college.

Making use of a tutor will be beneficial to your child as he prepares for the test. Tutors will help your child recognize his weak areas and help him work towards strengthening them for better test scores.

If you are revising SAT on your own, this article might be useful to you: Revision Planner For SATs

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.