SmileTutor Blog Parents Parenting Tips Less is More: Letting Your Child Grow with Less Protection

Less is More: Letting Your Child Grow with Less Protection


As parents, you are responsible for nurturing and teaching a mini-you. The pressure of wanting your child to grow up healthy, safe and successful makes parenting even harder.

In times like this, you may find yourself subconsciously becoming too protective of your child and end up micromanaging them, hindering their growth and development.

It can be challenging to change your “tried and tested” strategies, so here are some ways to be less protective and let your child grow.

Let Them Make Their Own Decisions


We often help our children to make decisions, thinking that it is the best for them.

But by allowing your child to make their own decisions, they develop their decision-making skills, and they learn to take responsibility for their own choices.

As a parent, you guide them to make better decisions by explaining the consequences to your child and allowing them to weigh out the options.

This makes them more independent and more decisive.

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Let Them Experience the World

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Children learn when they experience different situations and adversities.

They build their character and resilience by facing the harsher aspects of life (of course, to be done within limits).

As they continue on their journey to finding themselves and developing essential values, as a parent, offer them advice on how to cope with the situation or difficulty that they are facing.

Let Them Fail


Studies have shown that letting your child fail helps to build their self-awareness and helps them learn from their mistakes.

This way, they are more willing to take chances and try new things

Support your child with praise and encouragement. You will notice that they become stronger mentally and have more confidence.

Give Them the Freedom to Try New Things

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There are many things that your child can learn from trying new things.

They become more self-confident, develop resilience, and are less hesitant to try new things as they grow up.

They learn to become skillful in activities that interest them when they have the freedom to participate in different activities. It also shows your trust in them.

Lower Your Expectations


It gets stressful when you need to constantly maintain a high standard and are not allowed to fail. It is the same for your child.

When you lower your expectations, it relieves the pressure off them and gives them more space to breathe.

They become less prone to anxiety, depression, and other negative emotions. With a better mental state and higher self-esteem, they can better focus on their academics!



So step back and give your child their own space to accumulate experience and develop their personality.

It is hard to not hover over your child, but they need to learn and grow.

If you do notice that you have overprotective tendencies, we hope that this article helps you take a step back to allow your child to succeed!

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.