SmileTutor Blog Students Study Tips How to Use the Internet to Become an Elite Student

How to Use the Internet to Become an Elite Student

Making straight A’s and doing well for your PSLE, O-level, or A-levels isn’t enough anymore.

These things are still essential, yes, but they’re no longer the “whole package.” You’ve got to do them and a whole lot more (including top-notch private tuition) to be a successful student in Singapore.

The global economy–as well as Singapore’s local economy–has shifted. More and more businesses are looking for employees that not only “fit the bill,” but can also think outside the box.

Governing education bodies all over the world–including the MOE–have adjusted their curricula to nourish creativity, critical thinking skills, and visionary thinking in their students. This shift is good news! It has led to mass innovation across disciplines, as well as a wealth of new resources and opportunities that the world has never seen before.

In a word, the world is rapidly changing, and a lot of that change springs directly from tech and the internet. As the marketplace shifts, students have a choice to make: Evolve, or die…academically speaking, of course!

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Elite students have recognized the unique opportunity afforded by the development of the internet. They have discovered invaluable resources for learning, productivity, and organization. And they use them to rule the world…er, the classroom.

Here are a few of the very best:


Udemy is an online learning platform with over 45,000 courses available on just about anything you can imagine. From social skills, to photography, to writing, to mathematics, there’s something for everyone in this online marketplace.

Good news for students: many of the courses are extremely affordable, with $10 being a common admission fee.

Use Udemy to improve your knowledge of academic subjects or to master your favorite hobby. 15 million students are already doing it, and we’re convinced they’re onto something.

TED Talks

Remember how we just said that the world is changing? Well, if you need proof, just watch a few TED Talks and you’ll see what we mean.

TED Talks are short presentations–18 minutes or less–given by anyone with an “idea worth spreading.” The range of topics is seemingly endless, and ever-increasing.

While this resource likely won’t give you the knowledge to ace your next exam, it can sure get the juices flowing. Many elite students choose to start their days watching TED Talks. They draw inspiration, motivation, and important ideas from these videos before they even leave for school each morning.

TED Talks can also help JC students do better in GP.

Perhaps the best part about TED Talks is that they are so darn interesting. This might be “homework” (in a very loose sense), but it sure never feels like work.

Google Applications

Whether you’re a diehard Apple enthusiast or a long-time Microsoft user, Google Apps are available to you. The only question is, why the heck aren’t you using them yet?

We’re going to assume that you’re at least familiar with Google as a search engine. (For those of you who aren’t: It is the year 2017, Donald Trump is the president of the United States, and no, the Axis powers did not win World War II.) But what else does Google have to offer?

A whole lot. Go check these apps out. Like now.

They can help you with everything from sharing your latest essay draft with your English tutor to working out your schedule for biology tuition this month.

Google’s applications are excellent by themselves, but elite students use them together as a system for maximum organization and productivity. And they revel in the time and effort it saves them every day.

SmileTutor Blog

Yes, this is a shameless plug. Why should we be ashamed to promote a website dedicated to bringing you articles that make you a better student? Exactly.

If you found this article helpful, check out some of our other articles, such as 9 Last-Minute Exam Preparation Tips to Save your Life or An Easy Guide to Studying Effectively.

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And guess what? There’s more awesome content coming your way. Keep an eye out for “Top 5 Apps Elite Students Swear By,” coming soon. It’s going to be jam-packed with apps that will make your life as a student easier and more productive.

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.