SmileTutor Blog Tutors Career Advice How Do You Stay Relevant As A Tutor?

How Do You Stay Relevant As A Tutor?

Like plenty of jobs in Singapore, being a teacher requires you to be constantly evolving and upgrading to keep up with the market demands.

10 years ago, nobody thought coding can be taught to kids but now, coding classes are going to be introduced into our education curriculum.

Parents are getting more informed of their vast choices and kids are getting smarter with the introduction of technology, if you don’t keep up, you may find yourself at the end of the race.

So if you want to stay ahead of the market and always be in demand, here are some tips to help you stay relevant:

Breathe New Life Into Lessons

Take a look back at your teaching sessions and review how these sessions went.

Ask yourself if your students loved your approach. Was there something missing in it? Did they like it?

If you think your students didn’t like it, take time to devise new lessons to get their interest. You can also ask your students what you can do to improve your classes.

You can also ask them what way they prefer to learn: whether they like to watch a video, play a game and so on. Tally up their response and adjust your classes to fit their preferences.

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If you need some ideas, check out online resources on how to change your lessons.

Explore new ways for self-learning

Teachers often get excited about trying new ways to teach and learn. Nowadays, technological advancements like mobile apps are now used to supplement lessons. There are even games which can help students learn faster, as well as videos to sum up difficult lessons.

Are you considering adding these games and technological advancements to your classes? Why not look at ways on how to add them?

Research what is being offered and experiment which technologies and techniques are good for each class. There are a lot of digital resources available that can help you innovate your classes.

Remember, try to blend traditional lessons with technology and not just focus on one style. Not all students can benefit from one style alone so be careful as everyone has different learning styles. You can also consider what your students like before integrating creative techniques in the process. You must also try out these techniques to see how well they can work with your teaching style.

Increase your value

Another important tip for tutors to do to keep their edge sharp is by building up their value. Even if tutors have already developed their tutoring style, there is still room to improve your style by adding on a different dimension to your teaching methods like investing in good teaching aids.

You can listen to educational talk shows, podcasts and even read up on educational journals like ours to update yourself with the latest in teaching and tutoring.

You can also add a new sub-subject in your portfolio to get new students. For example, if you teach English, do consider branching out focus tuition classes like creative writing and phonics.

Also, make it a point to ask your students to rate your services on social media or in your official tutor page. This will help other tutors and students to see how well you work and what you offer. Having reviews is a big plus point, especially if you are trying to make a name for yourself in the industry.

If you stick with the traditional methods, some students may find your teaching style to be out-of-date. It may also reduce the number of people you can reach out to for advice. The lack of professional presence may also cause some to doubt if you are really a good tutor.

Always network

Tutoring is a lonesome career path and it helps to rely on a strong support system to share resources. Sometimes, it is good to seek advice when you need help in dealing with troublesome students or how to improve your classes or even just to lend a listening ear.

The best way to do this is by reaching out to your Personal Learning Network or PLN. PLN is comprised of educators and helpful resources to help teachers and tutors become better. It can also help tutors find new opportunities to improve their skills and even find new jobs in the process.

If you do not have a PLN, start using social media sites like Facebook or LinkedIn to find potential associates. There are plenty of Facebook groups dedicated to Singapore tutors and job opportunities are often shared in the community. Join special groups sharing your professional interests and discuss your experiences. They may be able to help you if you are having troubles with your sessions.

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Take some Me Time

Finally, tutors do run out of steam when they work too much and it can affect the way they teach.

Since tutors like us manage our own time, we can lose track of time easily and pack in too many tuition sessions in a week. When you have done all the things you have to do for your tutoring sessions, take some time off.

The best time to take off? December school holidays because that’s when parents usually will take their children overseas as well.

Go on a vacation, indulge in your hobbies and spend quality time with your loved ones. Rejuvenate, recharge and rest well so as to tackle a new school year ahead.


As a tutor, it can be stressful to keep students interested in their lessons. Students come in all behaviours and thinking too much about our techniques can also add to the stress. Sometimes, we feel like giving up because of the stress caused by our duties.

Hopefully, the tips above can help you reorganize your focus and motivate you. Research on the things you can do to help your students and give yourself some time to unwind when you can.

Remember, these children depend on your guidance so you have to be in your A-game all the time.

For more tips on how you can market your service as a tutor, check these out:

How to Increase Your Online Presence as a Tutor
10 Actionable Ways Singapore Tutors can Market Themselves to Get More Students

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.