SmileTutor Blog Students Exam Tips Finding The Perfect Ending For Your PSLE English Composition

Finding The Perfect Ending For Your PSLE English Composition

At times, it is challenging for you in coming up with the right- and good- conclusion for your essay. Delivering a good finish for your story need not be difficult for you. There are several tried-and-tested methods, that will enable you to write excellent conclusions for your story and any give time. In following them, you will get to learn how to write with ease a good ending for your essays.

An excellent essay ending is necessary as a fine quality opening. You wish your audience to be moved to tears by your essay, or end up laughing or better with kind emotions. You should aim at leaving a memorable experience for them after reading your story. In order to ensure you achieve such reactions from your readers.

Below are five examples of how to end your essays that will facilitate your PSLE English essays to have an effect on your readers.

1. The ‘All Is Well!’ Ending

This is the living-happily-ever-after type of ending. Here the hero comes out triumphant; he is well celebrated and loved by all. This type of story does not have to be exaggerated and far fetched. This is the right ending to some stories.


“Little Martha stood up, wiping her now soiled dress. She was not hurt. The leaking roof had given way, luckily for her, she escaped in time before it could fall her. Her guardian angels must have been extra keen on her on this day.”

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2. The ‘Learning Through Making Mistake’ Ending

The bad guy in your story has undergone a lot of problems. Through his choices, he found himself in such situations. During this period he learns from his wrong choices and is wiser. after that time, he will not repeat the mistake.


“The angry boy stomped out the classroom unable to control himself. Blinded by his anger, he dashed out, ramming into the huge tree outside their classroom. The thud was loud. It took the boy a while to come to his senses; he didn’t realize that he was bleeding profusely from his forehead”

3. The “I Have Not Carefully Considered All My Choices” Ending (Commonly Recognized As The Twist)
A twist sometimes is found at the conclusion of your story in order to have the punchline effect.

The aim of the twist is to highlight a part of your story. It can be used to tell a characters’ identity, their intentions, how they see things and a moment of opportunity. The Twist can then flip that side of the developing story to bring up some underlying issues that are opposite to the storyline which can turn out to be shocking, funny, a mockery or theatrical.


“Tom was not in the mood of attending class on this Tuesday morning, so he decided to hide in the nearby forest until school session was over. Squatting down a nearby bush, he heard whispers which grew louder as he moved closer to see who it was. Curious Tom could not contain himself; he was excited that he had landed on an adventure. He could already hear himself recounting the occurrences in the forest to his friends later after school was over.

Without caution, he pushed himself forward to take a closer look. There, before him was his head teacher who was issuing instructions on how the forest was to be cleared for the planned construction of new classrooms. They looked into each other and before Tom could escape, the head teacher grabbed him, pinning him against the ground. He could not escape the grip.

Tom had forgotten of the construction going on in the forest near his school. The Head teacher did not spare him a beating. No student was allowed to be running around during class time.”

4. The ‘Tears-rolling-down-your-cheek’ Ending (Pathos)

Bringing tears to your reader’s eyes is the style used in this type of ending.It is aimed at bringing out an emotion in your reader, be it tears of joy, sadness, or even dread. Your reader might be moved to associate the storyline with an event that they had experienced or had heard about.

It is a very useful ending if you have built a strong story around your characters, giving them distinct personalities.


“I held her hand tightly. I have always taken her for granted, ignoring her calls and only thought about myself. So many words stuck in my throat. I want to say I’m sorry, I need to apologise but my voice refuses to obey, only silent tears represent the hurt and love I am feeling for her. Time is running out as I pressed my lips on the back of my mother’s frail hand as she struggled to her last breath. Our last goodbyes.”

5. The ‘Flashback’ Ending

This type of ending is aiming at integrating the past to the present and bringing an association that grows well within the storyline without losing the readers focus. It should be written in such a manner it fits perfectly to the flow of the account.


“Six years back, I would never have thought that I would be living in the United States and using English to buy groceries and make new friends. I would have fainted at the consideration of writing professional documents in the English language. Nevertheless, here I am, writing an English article in my first college English class and expecting to obtain an “A.” Time will tell how far my English studies will take me.”

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Writing a story is a process through which the story you are writing unfolds. Focusing on keeping the storyline seamless is what will keep your readers following the story. Having a good introduction will catch your readers’ attention, and the body of the story should make them keep reading to the end.

In order to make the reader remember your story long after reading it, make sure you write a captivating ending. Bring the story to a conclusion through a manner which will leave an enduring thought to the readers’ mind.

Ensure you keep the readers guessing what you will write, in your next line of your last paragraph. The type of ending you choose is determined by the kind of story you are writing. For a happily ever after story, the main character comes out on top. Above all, know what you want your audience to feel from what you are writing.

Let us show you 5 Ways To Prepare For PSLE English Composition Writing.

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.