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Find the Right Event Space for Conducting Workshops

Due to COVID-19, many schools or learning institutions have been conducting lessons via video conferencing. I’m sure many of us struggled with adjusting to the new norm in the beginning!

With the commencement of Phase 3 in Singapore, finding space for conducting workshops for your students shouldn’t be a problem.

Certain skills can only be taught through on-site training, such as teamwork or leadership skills.

This means finding suitable Singapore event venues that can accommodate the number you’re targeting while adhering to safe distancing measures between students.

In this article, we cover important tips to help you find a suitable space to hold your next workshop or training.

Adequate Space

The best way to determine if an event venue is suitable for your workshop is by looking at the number of students you are expecting.

This is particularly critical now when there is a need for the right event safety measures.

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Always go for an event space that can accommodate more than the number you expect.

If you’re expecting 100 students at your event, you will need to check out an event venue that can accommodate a slightly higher number.

This ensures there’s enough room to move around while reducing contact between students.

Convenient Location

The location of suitable event spaces for your workshop is a major factor in whether your training will be a success or not.

You may take the ease of access for students into consideration to avoid travel costs and unforeseen logistic challenges.

This is important in avoiding situations where attendees spend too much time trying to locate the venue to the point of getting there late.

If most of the students will be staying at a hostel, you could consider booking a venue that is close to the hostel.

Conducive Environment

The environment you’re holding the workshop will affect how the training will impact your students.

Always opt for a venue that guarantees you a conducive environment. That is, the room should be well lit, with good air circulation and appropriate decor.

Aim for venues that have natural light coming through as this increases productivity.

Have a Budget 

After narrowing down your venue space and the location, the next thing you want to look at will be your budget.

A budget is a key factor in the kind of venue you want to hold your training.

If you’re on a tight budget, you may have to make compromises when it comes to the location of the space as most of the spaces within prime areas (Zouk Singapore currently charges $6,000 per day!) tend to cost more compared to other locations.

Affordable options can go as low as $172 per day.

If you are working with a higher budget, you will have endless options in ensuring the success of your workshop.

Your Equipment Needs

If you need audio-visual equipment (AV equipment) for public communication, then you must keep this in mind as you shop around for a workshop venue.

This is because not all venues will provide tables, chairs, or AV equipment.

Booking such a venue will mean you need to have an extra budget to hire catering equipment furniture and a public address system.

This can be costly in the long run.

Terms and Conditions

Different venues will have their terms of the lease that clearly outline your obligations.

For instance, you may be required to have insurance for the period you will be hosting your workshop in a particular venue.

Additionally, the lease agreement may also have certain terms indicating who will be liable for what.

Therefore, you need to look through these terms carefully to ensure that your interests will be taken care of in their event that something happens during the time you will be leasing the space.

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It is not enough to rely on images of the venue when looking for the perfect space for your training.

While this is good for giving you a glimpse of what to expect, you should take a tour of the venue before you make a booking.

This will help you to even have a better perspective of how best to plan your training activities.

It will also help to avoid certain surprises like finding a pillar at the centre of the room, something you had not anticipated and can be disruptive to your students.

Speak to event host owners for valuable insight into past events and see how they worked out.

If there’s anything you can do to make sure the event goes smoothly, it would be to find a perfect venue for your training.

Whether you’re hosting a small group of students or a big number, aim at finding the perfect event space where your students can focus and concentrate on achieving the outcomes of the training.


Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.