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Easy Tips to Writing Your First Book

Most experienced writers will tell you that the part they found most challenging is actually sitting down to start writing. If you are creating a piece of work that will be important, you need to invest your time and effort into it. After all, the world will want to know all the important things you have to say.

For those of you who are just starting out, be informed that the journey might be quite different than what you expect!

You need to work out a way to get your work done in a non-complicated way. Be sure to take one step at a time as writing may not always come to you at once. It is a long process that you will have to stick with to reach the end result.

From starting to write, all the way down to book publishing, discover our tips on how to get the job done step by step!

1) Deciding on Your Book’s Narrative

Of course, before you even think about publishing a book, you have to decide on the kind of book that you want to write. Is it fiction or non-fiction?

You can start out with a simple narrative and write it in a sentence, then stretch it out to a paragraph and then build on it.

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You will need to devise a table of contents, this way you will have the skeleton to build on. Next, break up the contents into a few sections and go chapter by chapter. Have the beginning, mid-portion, and conclusion planned out, and progress accordingly.

Otherwise, it will be easy to get confused and lost.

2) Time Management

You need to be realistic with your own capabilities and time. You might be a busy family person who needs to devote a significant amount of time to daily responsibilities. So, it’s best to plan what time and for how long you can write per day.

The important thing is to not try to write volumes per day and then nothing for a long time. Be consistent if you can. If you can try to write a daily number of words, you will at least have something to aim for.

You need to be realistic when setting the goal, so you can easily attain it and build steady momentum.

If you have written research papers in the past, you will certainly get some added benefit from the experience.

3) Have a Deadline

If you are aiming to finish writing your book consistently, fixing a daily schedule and a deadline to complete your work will help immensely.

Giving yourself a deadline for finishing individual parts of your book will allow you to track your progress and work towards not missing any of them.

You need to plan ahead so that you have enough time to achieve your work within the set deadline. Take breaks if required from your daily activities but don’t miss out on your deadlines!

This way you will ensure steady progress towards finishing your written piece.

4) Have a Weekly Goal

On top of setting a deadline for yourself, it would be productive to have a weekly goal. What we mean by this is you can set a weekly word count goal for yourself.

Celebrate when you have achieved the weekly objective but also remember to be honest with how much work is left. Use these weekly goals to measure your capacity.

By staying within the deadlines, you will not only be able to track progress, but also be able to get the work done swiftly and efficiently.

5) Get Feedback for Your Work

There is no better way to waste your time and effort than having to rewrite an entire book. This is something that can be easily avoided by letting friends, family, or an editor take a look at your work and give their honest opinions.

Getting this feedback early on will enable you to identify the mistakes and work on making positive corrections. This way you will be able to know for certain that you are headed in the right direction.

6) Get Rid of the Distractions and Take Breaks

Facebook, TikTok, or constant emails will distract you. Writing a book can get a bit arduous and stressful. But you should not allow that to let you procrastinate.

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You should take planned breaks, which will ensure you remain fresh and avoid the stress of being overworked. So, schedule breaks every few hours, or whatever allows you to stay on top of your work.

You can listen to music or go outside for some fresh air for a nice and relaxing break.

7) Finish Your Book and Ship It

Once you are done writing, contact a publisher and release the book. We know that it can be so daunting putting your words out there to the rest of the world. But don’t procrastinate and shelve the book inside a drawer, get it out there to the people!

There’s nothing worse than quitting halfway through writing the book or not doing anything with a completed one.

So, get it published and share your ideas with the rest of the world.

8) Be Prepared For Every Outcome

Throughout writing your book, you need to embrace the reality that it isn’t easy to finish a book and that things might not go as planned. You need to be able to accept failure and be gracious about not succeeding.

Don’t have any illusions of what perfection is, rather be open to accepting whatever outcome comes your way and be determined to move ahead.


How much success you get with your book largely depends on the process you follow while writing it. Of course, your content will have to be good as well. (Getting feedback as previously mentioned should give you a clue!)

Just remember that you not only need to finish writing your book, but you need to publish it and get it sold.

The best way to increase your chances of finishing your book is to have a plan and stick to it. Writing a book and getting it published can be a life-changing experience.

This is a great way to get your ideas and views out there for the whole world to see and make a positive impact on the lives of others.

Best of luck with writing your book!

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Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.