SmileTutor Blog Tutors Tutoring Tips Amazing Productivity Apps for Tutors That Will Keep You Organized

Amazing Productivity Apps for Tutors That Will Keep You Organized

Every day, a tutor’s job is never done. Even if you have already finished your classes for the day, you will still need to arrange lesson plans and take notes. There’s also the fact you have to speak to the parents about their child’s performance after each session.

Organizing these things can be tricky because sometimes, ideas can come at random times. If you are unable to organize them correctly, you may end up forgetting where you placed your notes.

Fortunately, there are now productivity apps for tutors to download to help you organize your sessions. But, since productivity apps of all types are on your smartphone’s app store, which one should you get?

Here’s our list of the best productivity apps tutors can use to stay organized:


FocusMe helps users focus on the tasks they have for the day. It has a scheduler to help users organize their week in advance. It will also remind you to take a break every once in a while, to help users stay productive.

Those who use the Pomodoro time-management technique will also love this app because it comes with its very own Pomodoro timer.

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The app is also capable of blocking certain websites and applications which can affect your progress. The app can also adjust when to remove these restrictions and which sites should be active at all time. This app can be used in almost all browsers in both Windows and macOS.


For those who want to have a clear idea of what they have for the week, Trello is the app to get.

This app allows users to create lists, boards and cards to organize their tasks in a unique way. These lists can be shared for collaboration and it can be linked to key productivity platforms as well.

The app can also be accessed through a mobile app, allowing users to create boards whenever they need to.

Google Drive

If users need a place to store files and access them at any time, Google Drive is the best app to use. The app acts like an online file host for users to upload any files they need. Users can even edit the files they need since Google Drive will link the right apps to Google’s other productivity apps.

Using this app is very easy because you only need a Google account and internet connection. Every Google account can access it for free.

Evernote Scannable

If you want to read notes on the go but do not want to bring a thick notebook or file with you, Evernote Scannable is a great app to use. The app turns your mobile phone into a document scanner.

When you turn it on, your phone’s camera will immediately detect the document before you and ensure that every note is readable once it is scanned.

The app works for all iPhone and iPad users and it can be connected to Google Drive for better storage.


Another good app to use to track a user’s goals is by using Stride. The app is available for all iOS users and promises to help users build the perfect routine for them to use.

The app is very flexible. It can track everything that users see as important and it can come in 4 different goal meters: habit, average, project and goal tracker.

When you organize your list, it is in one large dashboard to make it easy to browse. There is also a chart that tells users how well they are doing in each goal they set up. It also comes with a daily goals feature to help users sort out their targets better.

In the future, the developers say they will include Progress Reports for the app to help users celebrate when they reach a milestone.


If you are a tutor who grades your student’s progress or one that likes to keep students active, BookWidgets is the app to use.

The app can be customized depending on the level of your students and has 40+ exercise templates to help test your student’s progress. The exams can be done by your students using their mobile phones or computers.

Once the student is done with the test, the app will immediately grade their answers. This frees the time for the tutor from grading the work. The app will even tell the tutor which areas the students need to get more help with. The app works well with other educational apps like Google Classroom, Canvas and Moodle.


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Pocket is a special app that allows users to save any article, page or app on its database. Simply select the Pocket button from your browser and it will save the page easily.

This app can be used in all browsers and users can also use the mobile app to browse these saved links.


When you find yourself having some time to relax from your busy schedule, Peak can help you train your brain as you take some rest.

It is filled with games that will push your mind to think, focus and solve problems. It even comes with a personal “Coach”, which will help you reach your targets and tell you where you need to improve on. It will also help you stay motivated.

The app is also unique because each game is developed with experts. Users can even take on advanced games when they pay for Peak with Pro subscription. For those who do not want to pay for the subscription, there is an Advanced Training Programme section which can challenge users on specific skills.


As a tutor, it can be a challenge to organize our schedule and lesson plans without a tool to help us out. With the apps, we listed above, we know that you will be able to maximize your time wisely and be an effective tutor for your students.

For more advice on how you can improve as a tutor, check these out:

10 Actionable Ways Singapore Tutors can Market Themselves to Get More Students
Tutoring Strategies to Support Student Introverts

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.