SmileTutor Blog Parents Key Decisions After PSLE: Choosing The Right Secondary School

After PSLE: Choosing The Right Secondary School

An important decision cutting into the heavy air of studying for PSLE: choosing the right secondary school for your child’s future. A good primary school sets the core foundations but a great secondary school will not only guide him in education but also help to solidify his interests and shape his future path.

When your child has completed their Primary School education, the next big decision comes in the choice of the secondary school they will attend. During this time, a parent’s help is needed in helping your child settle for a school that they like and will be ready to spend the next 4-5 years of their schooling life in. This will also make the transition easy and your child will succeed in the new environment. After attaining the cut-off points needed to join a school, the value and growth to be added to a child’s education are to be considered. Parents need to find out about the programs offered in the school of choice and their fit in helping children pursue their interests.

The best way to go about getting all the information required is to visit the school choices accompanied by your child. By involving your child in the selection process, you need to listen to your child’s view and explore the different schools that offer your child’s program of choice. Your child’s personality and learning style will influence the type of school they will attend. Compare different schools to see the one that nurtures your child, contributes to his holistic development, as well as has co-curriculum activities that keep your child motivated in reaching his full potential.

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Factors To Consider When Selecting A School

1. Refer To The Choosing Your Secondary Schools Booklet
The Singapore Education Ministry always issues this booklet to each and every Primary six student. It has needed information like the location of a school’s, CCAs and programs offered and the varying student PSLE Test-scores across different streams in the schools.

2. Your Child’s Personality
Think about schools whose setting and cultural standards resonate mutually with the child’s personality and learning style. Dedicate yourself to schools with programs that best accommodate your child’s interests and strengths. For example, if your child loves piano, make sure that the school has an adequate music room and a CCA program to facilitate his interest.

3. Compare Academic Standards Between Different Secondary Schools
The PSLE results are used as an indicator of your child’s educational weaknesses and strengths. However, your child has a choice from various schools available in Singapore. This will also influence the post secondary institution your child is later able to attend. Hence, it is prudent to have a good tutor to assist in your child’s PSLE revision before the actual exam.

An example is the specialized schools that offer customized programs for those students that have a hands-on and practical approach to the learning experience. Specialised independent schools on the other hand focus on those students whose interests are in a specific field like sports, arts or sciences. Do consider the qualification your child chooses to attain at the end of their studies. Some secondary school education can lead to diploma qualification like the Polytechnic Foundation Program.

4. Ask Your Child What He Wants
In listening to your child, you will be able to choose the best secondary school for him. Discuss the school choices that your child may attend as well as look at the school atmosphere and the CCA’s and different programs being offered. Be sure to check that the child is aware of the accountability they will be taking towards the choices made. Your child should tell you the type of school they prefer, whether to study with friends or to start out in a new school.

It is good to also consider the different schools that may best benefit your child. Examples are specialized schools that would be suitable for your child if he has a leaning to the science, sports or arts. The special needs schools are intended for autistic and dyslexic children. The best school for your child would be the one that offers necessary resources and experience to greatly support your child’s educational and holistic growth

5. Home-school Distance
When your child spends less time travelling to school, he will have more energy, concentration and focus on his studies. This means nearer the school is, the better it is for your child.

6. Attend Open Houses Of The Potential Secondary Schools
Open houses give you and your child the chance to visit the different schools and scope the environment, customs, and programs. This will enable you to settle for the best-fit choice for your child’s interests, academic capabilities as well as CCAs.

Some secondary schools have open houses that run after the PSLE results are out. Contact schools for more information on the dates set for the open house.

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7. Affiliated Schools From Siblings
Some primary schools have an affiliation to secondary schools. When the child is attending such a school and they opt to move to a different school, they can indicate that in their primary choice.

Some children attend school with their siblings but since each child has unique talents and capabilities, their school of choice is set to change. This enables your child to attain their best interest and enhance their academic pursuits and holistic growth.

8. Seek Opinions From His Teachers And Tutors
We recommend parents to ask for teacher’s opinion on the best available secondary school the child can attend. Your child’s tutor will highlight some of your child’s hidden potential that may not have been known to you.

Using the information given by the tutors and teachers bring it to your child’s attention and then discuss a way forward with your child.


Your child s personality plays an important role in the type of school and programs your child gets to attend. Talking to your child and his teachers ensure your child’s education needs are met fully.

By comparing the different academic standards in different schools help you and your child find the best school that matches your child’s personality and interests. The important thing your child needs to understand is that the school they attend will help them reach their goals in their future.

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Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.