SmileTutor Blog Parents Parenting Tips Activities for Kids during June & December Holidays

Activities for Kids during June & December Holidays


Wondering what to do with your kids during the June & December holidays? Running out of ideas for activities for your kids to keep them engaged?

Fret not, here are 5 fantastic ideas for activities that will ensure your kids don’t waste their holidays playing computer games!

1. Family Outings

Holidays are a great time for you to bond with your kid and build special memories together.

Take some time to plan out family outings and take your kids out to have fun at a place or event that you don’t normally attend.

Don’t have ideas for fun places to go? From giant inflatable bouncing playgrounds to edible art workshops, you’ll a list of lots of fun-filled activities available throughout the June & December holidays here.

2. Workshops

The holidays give your kids a rare break from school and academics. Why not use this opportunity to send them for workshops that will help them learn useful soft-skills that will help in their holistic development?

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One example would be a Social Skills & Etiquette Workshop for children organized by Krystal Charm Etiquette Academy.

You may also send your kids for workshops that expand their horizons and expose them to new interests such as Robotics, Engineering, Animation, or even Digital Art workshops.

You can find a good list of interesting workshops at Children’s Worklab.

3. Parent-Child Programmes

Parent-Child Programmes are special programmes designed specifically for parents to engage in the same activities as their children.

Perhaps, you’ve been so busy at work and have neglected your child. If so, you may want to sign-up for one of these ActiveSG programmes offering a myriad of activities such as KpopX Fitness Family Bonding, Dance With Your Child featuring Zumba® Kids Jr and more.

“Mums and dads are encouraged to take up some of the parent-child activities on offer, such as golf or archery. By engaging in the same activities as their children, they can learn what their children are going through and can guide the children throughout the learning process and foster family bonds”, says Dr Esther Chia, who is on the planning committee of the ActiveSG Athletics Club.

4. Camps

Another great activity choice during this holidays is to send your kids for camps. Camps are a great way to give your kid a unique learning experience and help him or her break out of the comfort zone.

Allow your kid to create lasting memories by socializing and learning with other little young ones at many great camps available through Singapore such as Multi-Activity Camps by Asia Summer Holiday Camps 2016, Robotics, Coding, Business Camps by THE KEYS ACADEMY, Art, Science, Tech, Crafts, and Sports Camps by ISS SUMMER CAMPS and Zoo Explorer Camps by SINGAPORE ZOO.

You can find a more camps ranging from sports to arts and crafts and nature camps listed at LittleStepAsia and CampAsia too.

Go on now and book up early!

5. Tuition

As the proverbial saying goes, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”

But all play and no work probably isn’t the best idea too, is it? After signing up for the great activities listed above, perhaps you may want to consider making use of the free time during this holidays to brush up on your child’s weaker subjects.

If your child is struggling now, remember that the syllabus will only get harder and harder as he or she progresses through the levels!

While there are many tuition options available, we’d recommend engaging a 1-to-1 private tutor as your child can receive a tutor’s 100% focused attention in order to achieve academic breakthroughs.

You may explore a wide range of tutors of various qualifications and experience, to come to your doorstep to teach your child. Just let us know your tuition requirements here.

P.S. Our tutor-matching services are totally free!

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.