SmileTutor Blog Students Advice For Students 8 Style Tips to Look Stylish in University

8 Style Tips to Look Stylish in University


Attending a university is the most exciting part of a student’s life but getting ready for it is actually the most dreading task. Fashionistas and other students who have a good dress sense often find it easier to follow the changing fashion trends.

But for the students who always fall behind in being stylish, we are here to help you out. Undoubtedly, university life is tough. You are expected to excel academically and then, you cannot compromise with your looks as well.  We’ve got you sorted! Here are a few amazing and simple style tips which would keep you presentable in the university.

1. Stay informed about the latest color trends

In order to look stylish in the university, the basic rule of thumb states you to wear the latest and trendy colors in vogue. You can do so by following your favorite bloggers and influencers on Instagram and social media.

It is as simple as that! All you need to do is follow the latest trends and buy your dresses in popular colors.

2. Be simple but trendy

Being in vogue is the easiest way to dress simply. Don’t try too hard to look different. Dress yourself simple which is in line with the latest trends and you are good to go. Don’t make it too complicated as you have to spend the whole day at university, thus make sure that whatever you wear is comfortable and good.

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You can go with the basic tee or crop top and ankle jeans. Sometimes simplicity is better than adorning yourself with accessories.

3. Dress well in budget

You can definitely dress well on a low budget. You don’t necessarily have to spend loads in order to dress well. You just need to find the right place to shop. Singapore has various shops that sell trendy clothes within your budget.

There are vintage shops, various online shops and non-branded Instagram shopping accounts where you can find clothes at reasonable prices. You should just be aware of the trend and keep a close watch on their items. Of course look out for those discounts and sales that come and go, you wouldn’t want to miss out on the new kicks using a NIKE promo code!

The right choice at the right time will make you stand out. You would be surprised to know that you can manage to look good even without splurging on the branded and expensive items. All you need to have is an eye for detail.

4. Take care of yourself

Beauty is not just about wearing the right stylish clothes but it comes from within your body. A radiating skin and well-nourished hair can make you look good in any attire. Take proper care of your body to look good.

With your hectic schedule, it sometimes becomes difficult to find time to even look after your skin and hair. But eventually, you have to find the time and prioritize your body needs. Know your body and accordingly find ways to take care of it.

Find a good face wash that suits your skin and shampoo which is suitable for your hair. Make a routine to take extra care your body needs on weekends.

5. Accessorize your attire well

In addition to wearing the latest trendy clothes, it is highly recommended to boost your looks by using accessories. However, make sure that you use minimal accessories for the purpose to keep your simplicity intact.

Wearing chic shoes with your dresses and jeans and adding a watch to your wrist will make you look decent and stylish. Dressing in university is not always about wearing new clothes daily, but how well you can wear your clothes in different ways and accentuate them with accessories.

Spending a fortune on new dresses isn’t what you always need. As the fashion keeps in changing at a fast pace, it’s meaningful to actually invest in accessories than getting broke by buying new dresses every day.

6. Add layers to your clothes

Adding layers to your simple look can make you look stylish in no time. You can complement your simple tee with a denim jacket and there is a new look ready for you. Wearing a scarf around your neck is another way to present yourself differently yet sober.

As long as you know how you can simply make use of your clothes uniquely, there won’t be any problem in dressing up stylish for your college.

7. Look for discounts and coupons

There are always times and seasons in a year when shops and online stores provide heavy discounts and sales. Keep a tab on such events. They are usually around festivals and season end. You can find really good deals on such occasions and look stylish on a budget.

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8.Invest in a decent backpack or a handbag

With so chic and cool backpacks and handbags in fashion, one can’t actually get enough of them. However, buying all of them is not possible.

It is therefore recommended to have a decent backpack or a handbag as per your choice that can easily accentuate all your attires rather than investing in various handbags of not-so-good quality. A stylish backpack or handbag is all you need to embellish your simple look.

Wrapping Up

SmileTutor is here to help you out with university tuition. However, when it comes to staying trendy and fashionable in university, follow the tips mentioned above and you are sorted!


Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.