SmileTutor Blog Tutors Career Advice 5 Problems Faced by Every Tutor in Singapore

5 Problems Faced by Every Tutor in Singapore

stressed tutor

It’s no surprise that more people than ever are taking the leap to become tutors in Singapore. It can be an extremely rewarding job, with flexible hours and a great salary.

Unfortunately, every job has drawbacks, and tutoring is no exception. In this article, we’ll highlight the top 5 problems faced by every tutor in Singapore.

1. High Pressure from Parents and Schools

Singapore has some of the highest standards for education worldwide. With so much pressure for students comes a lot of pressure for you to make sure they keep up with their peers and stay ahead of the game.

Sometimes you can do your best, and students can still fail to fully grasp the concepts. In cases like these, it can be far easier for people to pin the blame on you. It can be difficult to deal with at first, but try not to take it personally. Sometimes you can only help so much.

2. Overly-Involved Parents

While it’s great to see that so many parents are taking such an interest in their child’s education, the stress of dealing with an overly-involved parent can quickly start to take its toll. In fact, dealing with parents can often be even more difficult than dealing with the kids!

When dealing with such a parent, the number one thing to remember is to keep a cool head. After all, they’re the one employing you.

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Sometimes, it can help to take a step back for a moment and try to understand things from their perspective. For example, understanding the reasons behind why parents might choose to hire a tutor to help their child.

3. Varying Job Prospects

Your job prospects depend on the supply and demand of your local area, and the subject you teach. To improve your prospects, you might even have to be willing to relocate.

Tutoring can be both lucrative and fulfilling, which is why an increasing number of people are turning to it as a career choice. On one hand, more tutors can mean there are less jobs available. However, as teaching standards get higher and the competition between students increases, the need for tutors also skyrockets.

Want to improve your tutoring so you can enhance your prospects even further? Find out the top 5 things all great tutors in Singapore have in common!

4. Difficult Students

Dealing with difficult students is perhaps one of the most obvious problems faced by tutors on a daily basis. After all, most of your time will be spent with students, and teaching isn’t always smooth sailing. There can be many reasons for this – students can get distracted easily, they may not benefit much from one-on-one learning, or they may simply just actively dislike learning.

As you get more experience and gain more confidence in your abilities, you’ll find it easier to deal with more difficult students. If you’re struggling, take a look at these tips on how to encourage children to study more.

5. Teaching in Schools Can Be Sub-Par

Your job is to help students refresh information they’ve already learned, but you’ll be surprised to find out how much time you’ll spend teaching them new material. You probably won’t realize how inadequate the teaching in some schools can be until you’re trying to fill in the information gaps in a child’s memory. This will vary widely depending on your subject and the area you’re teaching in, but you’ll almost certainly come across problems at some point.

Tutoring in Singapore isn’t for everyone. Becoming successful requires patience, resilience, and determination. Take heed of the negatives, but don’t let them put you off what could be a stimulating and fulfilling profession.

Now that you’ve read about all the drawbacks, why not find out more about the top 10 reasons why you SHOULD become a private tutor in Singapore?

If you’re interested in becoming a tutor now and want to find Singapore tuition assignments, register with us now!

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.