SmileTutor Blog Parents Parenting Tips 4 Reasons Why You Should Teach Your Children Kitchen Skills

4 Reasons Why You Should Teach Your Children Kitchen Skills

As a parent, you want your child to learn essential life skills as early on as possible so that they can be independent. Cooking is a survival skill that can be introduced to children at a young age, as long as it is done extra carefully.

In this article, I will introduce to you four reasons why children should be taught kitchen skills.

1) Learn How to Use Appliances

Learning how to use appliances is one of the first steps to teaching children how to cook.

This can teach them practical skills as well as reading instruction manuals for the appliances. This aids in reading comprehension, information processing skills, and vocabulary.

Do make sure that you are with them the whole time as kitchen appliances may be very complex with the different functions and buttons, and children might not know the dangers of them.

Make sure to teach them the proper usage. Tell them what buttons to press and not press, and teach them how to plug appliances safely. They must always dry their hands when plugging in appliances.

2) Learn Math Through Recipes

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When it comes to cooking, most of us would follow recipes. This is a great time to ‘execute’ a Math lesson! Children can learn fractions, temperatures, and measurements. Children can also apply problem-solving skills as well as their creativity.

However, an adult should always be present to give undivided attention and supervision when a child is still unfamiliar with the kitchen.

It gives you the opportunity to watch over them as they carry out the task and warn them if they are doing anything dangerous.

3) Boosts Confidence

Other than the fact that children will be able to make healthier choices when they cook for themselves, it also provides a sense of accomplishment after cooking your own meal. That sense of pride is a great self-esteem booster!

This can be helpful when it comes to other aspects of their life as it encourages them to be self-sufficient. Learning how to cook can enlighten them on how much time and effort is taken to cook up meals for family members. This teaches them about being grateful and appreciative towards caregivers at home.

Cooking a meal together is a great time for family bonding too.

4) Know What to Do For Emergencies

Accidents are bound to happen in the kitchen, and your child should know what to do in case of any emergencies. Knowing what to do to prevent accidents is just as important as knowing what to do when it comes to emergencies.

This is a basic life skill in order for children to manage accidents carefully and independently.

Explain to your child what are the accidents that can happen in the kitchen, how to prevent them, and how they can respond accordingly. If your child suffers from a cut, they need to inform you so that proper first aid, disinfection, and protection can be done.

Above all, they need to stay calm when these emergencies happen. Assure them that you will be there looking out for them in the kitchen.


Having your child explore cooking in the kitchen with you can be a fun and gratifying experience for both of you. You will impart an important skill that they can continually improve on for life.

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Follow the above tips that I have shared and rest assured of having wholesome cook sessions!

Want ideas on what to cook? Read these:

Organic Foods to Fight Exam Stress & Anxiety

Super-Easy Food Hacks That Will Improve Your Concentration, Memory, & Mood

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.