SmileTutor Blog Parents Teaching Tips 10 Mistakes Parents Make With Their Children’s Homework

10 Mistakes Parents Make With Their Children’s Homework

For children, their studies do not end after the school’s bell ring to signal dismissal time. Teachers would sometimes give your child homework to prepare them for their classes the next day and see if they understood their lessons.

Kids often find homework a bane because it reduces their free time when they are at home. However, its benefits to the child’s growth are infinite because it helps them develop good work habits and improves their memory and discipline.

Ideally, children should be the ones who should do their homework alone. Sadly, homework can be difficult for some children to handle, especially if it’s in the subjects they are weak at like science or math.

When your child does find it difficult to do their homework, the first person they turn to for help is their parents. Considering this fact, if you are planning to help your child with their homework, here are the 10 mistakes you should try to avoid:

Mistake 1 – Doing homework anywhere

When helping your child with their homework, it should be in a fixed place, ideally their room or their study corner. If they do not have a study corner, help them with their homework in a quiet corner of the house or a room without any distractions.

Mistake 2 – Complaining about the quantity or quality of the assigned homework

Do not question the amount of homework your child has to do. If you do notice that your child’s homework is beyond their current level, tell the school about it. However, if it is within their level, help your child do their homework without complaints.

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Mistake 3 -Doing the homework ourselves

Do not do the homework of your own child because it will not help them learn what their teachers are trying to teach them with the task. It will also disable them from developing their work ethic. What you should do is encourage them to try doing their homework on their own so they understand the difficulty of the work and if they made a mistake with their work, tell them to listen to their teacher so they can do their work correctly next time.

Mistake 4 – Understanding homework only as a way to acquire new knowledge

Homework is not just a means to get new knowledge, it is also a way to reinforce what the child learned in class and also learn how to work on their own. Practicing is the only way to master a skill, homework not only helps the child to keep practicing but also to alert parents and tutors alike if the child is weak at a particular area.

Mistake 5 – Arguing about homework each day

Do not argue with your child when you help them with their homework or start an argument with them about how anxious or slow they are during their work. Homework time should be peaceful and quiet. If your child is having problems with their homework, you can advise them to seek their teacher’s help the next day.

Mistake 6 – Don’t take seriously the child’s need for your presence and support

Do not ignore your child when they seek for your help with their homework. Listen and assist! If you struggle to help your child on a certain subject, do consider hiring a tutor to assist your child.

Mistake 7 – Impose absolute control

Don’t just take your child’s homework and control how they do their homework. Don’t immediately step in as well when you see they are having trouble. Instead, you can ask them to talk about their lessons to see how well they understood them and if you sense they are nervous, tell them that you believe in them.

Mistake 8 – Avoid talking to teachers and tutors

Teach your child not to fear to approach their teachers or tutors when they are having problems with their lessons or their homework. If you feel your child has a problem with their lessons, consult them on your child’s behalf and ask what you can do to help your child keep up.

Mistake 9 – Overburdening Your Child

If your child has a lot of extracurricular activities, try asking them which ones they like doing the most and ask them to do only the activities they can handle. When they are at home, ask them to rest up, play and study. Please keep in mind that children absorb knowledge best when they are well rested.

Mistake 10 -Be inconsistent

Encourage your child to have a set homework period when they are at home and ensure that this period is not broken in any way. They should do their homework regularly at the same time and at the same place to ensure they can focus properly. Children thrive on repetition and routine so having a timetable will help them to focus better.

What Should You Do?

In order to ensure your child can do their homework on time, make sure they have a schedule allotted in their schedule. You can put a clock on your child’s table so they can monitor their progress. Allow them to have mini breaks to ensure they won’t get bored doing their homework.

You should also ensure that they do not get depressed while doing their homework. If you will be assisting your child, start with something light and increase the difficulty as you finish one work. You should also take into consideration the maximum performance time of your child depending on their age because it will affect their focus.

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How Can Tutors Help?

If you do not have the time to help your child with their homework due to work and other issues, you can seek homework help from tutors who not only help your child prepare for their classes in advance, but they can also help your child with their homework. A personal tutor can give their full attention to your child’s educational troubles and tailor a study plan according to their strengths and weaknesses.


As parents, it is important that we also take a role in ensuring our children are able to study and do their homework without any trouble even at home to help them prepare for the next day. If their environment is filled with distractions and inconsistent, their work will be compromised.

With this in mind, assist your child during their homework phase by providing them with a quiet place to work on, a schedule they can follow and an open and calm parent ready to help. If you add all these three together, your child will surely be inspired to do well!

Are you a parent looking for more tips to help your child to be better at homework? Here are some of the articles we want to share with you:

How To Stop Homework Battles For Good
Does Homework Help Students in Singapore Learn Better?


Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.