SmileTutor Blog Parents Parenting Tips The Best Educational Toys for Primary School Students

The Best Educational Toys for Primary School Students

Childhood is the most exciting time for any kid. From making new friends, discovering new places and dreaming that anything is possible, childhood truly is a magical time. It is also the time when children start learning about the world and their surroundings.

However, do not boggle up your child’s mind with endless tuition and academic sessions. Instead, I would recommend you to let them play with the educational toys for the best learning.

Here are some of the best educational toys that every child must have. Playing with them is not only fun but they will also contribute to the overall brain development of your child.

1. Building Blocks

Building blocks may seem too simple a toy for children but it’s their simplicity that makes them a great item to have in every child’s toy collection. The best part about these toy blocks is that they make great infant outdoor toys and even for older kids – you don’t have to limit your child’s play to only indoors!

Depending on your child’s age, you can easily find the right set of building blocks for them. If they are on the younger side, say about 5 or 6 years of age, simple building blocks which can be stacked on top of each other to create shapes and designs are the best pick. Building blocks are probably the simplest way of encouraging innovative thinking in your child.

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If your child is a bit older, you can even think about getting the Magna Tiles 100 piece set which is a more advanced category of building blocks. These are tiles with magnetic edges which can be flipped to form various geometric shapes. Your child will love turning their architectural ideas into reality with these toys.

2. Electric Kit

Do you have budding engineering in the house? Feed your child’s curiosity about how household equipment like the television and the microwave work by gifting them a children’s electric kit.

Electric kits come with basic electrical equipment such as wires, slide switches, speaker and the likes through which kids can build an actual electrical circuit. Such kits also have an instructions manual which will explain how to build different projects such as a police siren or a musical doorbell.

This will also be a good opportunity for you to spend some quality time with your child as you can help them complete the more difficult electrical projects.

3. Science Kit

If your kid is into science-oriented TV programs and cartoons, there is a good chance that they will fall in love with a science kit through which they can have their own laboratory at home.

A basic science kit will provide your child with the kind of toys that they probably wouldn’t get anywhere else. Test tubes, measuring scoops, pipettes and plastic cups are just some of the things that a science kit will comprise of.

Further, the developers of this amazing children’s toy have also made sure that children are able to conduct actual experiments by providing a range of ‘chemicals’ which can be used in different projects as listed in their activity guide.

However, it has been ensured that all the material provided in the science kit are non-toxic and completely safe for the use of children of all ages. The science kit will also help a child in developing ideas early on for science projects at school.

4. Puzzles

Puzzles come with a range of educational benefits. This is perhaps why even in this age of mobile and computer games, puzzles hold their own ground. From basic jigsaw puzzles to huge puzzles with thousands of pieces, puzzles are designed to stimulate your child’s mind to adopt a problem-solving approach and identify patterns and shapes.

5. Grow-Your-Own-Habitat

Earth’s environment has taken a beating due to industrialization and commercialization of the world. It is all the more necessary to educate our children the importance of the trees, plants, and animals that inhabit the planet with humans and make them understand why they need to be protected.

There is no better way to achieve this than through a Grow-your-own-habitat toy set. You can go for something like the Glow n Grow Terrarium toy set in which your child will get a pack of seeds with instructions on how to plant them and nurture them.

Alternatively, you can also teach your child about animals through a Butterfly Habitat which will provide you with actual caterpillars which your child can then watch turn into beautiful butterflies.

6. Leaptop

Is your child fascinated with your laptop? Maybe it is time that you get them a laptop of their own. Known as leaptops, these kiddie laptops are a great way of introducing your child to technology and innovation.

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Suitable for both primary and pre-primary school kids, the leaptop can help your child in learning basic spellings along with other fun yet educational activities such as identifying animated animals, shapes and numbers. Kids can even send and receive pretend e-mails just like their parents do!

7. Robot Kit

A robot kit is not only a unique toy for a child to have, but it will also be challenging enough for them to stay engrossed in the complexities of basic robotics for hours.

Much more advanced than a regular electric kit, the robot kit is for the really smart kids and budding scientists who can assemble and program microrobots and vehicles with this kit.

Wrapping Up

These were a few educational toys that your kid must have for overall development. What are your views on this? Does your kid already have them? Which one is your best pick? Do let us know in the comments below.

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Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.