SmileTutor Blog Students Exam Tips Taking the AEIS? Don’t Miss These AEIS Syllabus Tips

Taking the AEIS? Don’t Miss These AEIS Syllabus Tips

The AEIS is a focused test for every level and comprises Math and English. It evaluates an applicants’ numeracy, English literacy, and logical thinking ability.

Who conducts the test? The AEIS (Admissions Exercise for International Students ) is conducted by Singaporean Education Ministry (MOE) either in September or October every year for foreigners who would like to join Singapore mainstream secondary and primary schools the following year in January.

Use Of Optical Answer Sheet

When tackling multiple-choice questions, the applicants are expected to shade the correct answer using a pencil on their Optical Answer Sheet (OAS). The OAS is typically issued to test takers alongside the test papers. The OAS also comes with some instructions on how to use it during an exam.

Test Format

The AEIS is a centralized exam in mathematics and English that is used to evaluate the test taker’s English literacy, reasoning, and numeracy abilities. After the test, admission is not warranted, and it is dependent on the test taker’s performance in the exam.

What happens to those who do well in their test? When an international student is successful in their AEIS test, the Singaporean Ministry of Education assigns them a place to attend a Government School the following year in January.

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Primary 2/3 English

Typically, the Primary 2/3 AEIS syllabus English test has 34 multiple-choice questions on language and comprehension use. Test takers are normally given an hour to do the entire exam.

The breakdown of the 34 multiple choice questions which are compulsory is A Comprehension section which is based on 2 given passages to help you answer 6 questions.

A Comprehension cloze section which is based on 2 given passages to help answer 10 items. There are 5 question to test vocabulary and 5 more questions testing your grammar and 8 questions covering Spelling.

Primary 2/3 Mathematics

The Primary 2/3 test in Mathematics is made up of two parts. The applicants are normally given 30 minutes to do Part 1 and an hour 20 minutes to finish the second Part.

Calculators are not allowed in the exam room. Each of the two segments has 34 questions. The first part uses multiple choice format and part 2 uses a short answer format.

The short-answer questions will need you to clearly show the computing of the solution. Then write your answer in the provided space.

Primary 4/5 English

The Primary 4/5 AEIS syllabus English test contains two parts. Applicants are given 2 hours to do Part 1 and 2. This paper is done in one sitting.

The first part is writing format which has 2 topics set, of which one comes with an image. Applicants pick one topic then they write a 100-word composition on it. Part 2 contains 50 mandatory multiple-choice questions with this breakdown; a Comprehension segment based on 2 given passages with 10 questions. Comprehension cloze which is based on 2 given passages) with 12 questions.

Then 14 question testing your vocabulary and 14 more questions testing your grammar knowledge.

Primary 4/5 Mathematics

The Primary 4/5 AEIS Mathematics test contains two parts. And applicants have 40 minutes to do Part 1, and an hour 40 minutes to do Part 2. Calculators are not allowed in the exam room.

Part 1 of the test has 36 questions which use multiple-choice format and part 2 has 16 questions which use short answer format. Then there are 12 Open-ended questions. Applicants should clearly show the computation of the short-answer questions and then write your answer in the given space.

Generally, the Open-ended questions need longer or more complex solution method compared to the short-answer questions. This segment requires applicants to clearly show the working steps and place the answer in given space.

Secondary English

The Secondary AEIS syllabus English test has two parts and applicants have 2 hours and 10 minutes to do Part 1 and 2. This paper is done in one sitting. Part 1 segment is writing with 2 topics and 4 topics for segment 2 and 3. applicants get to pick a single topic then write a 200-300 words composition on it.

Those taking Sec 2 are to write 250-350 words composition on it. And sec 3 requires applicants to write a 300 – 400-word composition on the topic.

Part 2 of the paper has 50 mandatory multiple-choice questions format. Their breakdown is 15 question on Comprehension using 2 given passages. The Comprehension cloze uses 2 given passages and it has 15 questions. 10 questions testing your Vocabulary and 10 more questions covering Grammar knowledge.

Secondary Mathematics

The Secondary AEIS Mathematics test contains 2 parts. The applicants are given 30 minutes for completing Part 1, and an hour 45 minutes for completing Part 2. Calculators are not allowed in the exam room.

Part 1 of the AEIS syllabus test contains 34 questions with multiple choice format questions and part 2 has 20 questions with short answer format questions.

Additionally, there are open-ended questions 10-15. applicants should clearly show the working steps for short-answer questions and place the answer in a given space.

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Generally, the Open-ended questions will need longer and more complex work out for a solution when compared to the short-answer questions. In the open-ended questions, the test takers will need to clearly show the working method for the solution and then place the answer in a given space.

Who Is AEIS For

The AEIS syllabus test is aimed for non-Singapore Permanent Residents (SPR) and non-Singapore Citizens (SC) who don’t have a study slot in Singaporean mainstream schools. Yet they would like to look for admission to secondary 1-3 and Primary 2–5 in January for the next academic year. If this is you, you qualify to partake in the AEIS syllabus test.

In Conclusion

The Admissions Exercise for International Students – AEIS is conducted by Singaporean Education Ministry (MOE) either in September or October each year. The test uses an Optical Answer Sheet that applicants are to shade the right answer using a pencil.

Why is the test important? The test seeks to evaluate the test taker’s Math and English literacy, reasoning, and numeracy abilities. Once successful, the MOE assigns you a place to attend a Government School the next year in January.

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Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.