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Educational Movies To Motivate and Inspire Your Child

Movies keep releasing in bulk around the globe. Most of them do an average amount of business at the box office and then are vaporized somewhere in history.

However, some movies contain an impactful message about life that motivates us every time we watch them. Here we have compiled a list of some movies which are highly recommended for students as they contain an important message which will teach you a lot about life and how to handle certain situation which you will encounter in the future.

Dead Poets Society (1989)

“Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary.”

Set in the fictional elite conservational boarding school, ‘The Welton Academy’, this movie is nothing less than a masterpiece.

The late Robbin Williams plays the role of John Keating, an English teacher in one of his most acclaimed performances as he challenges the unorthodox ways of teachings.

This movie gives the message of coming out of the shell and the pressure the society has laid upon us and pursue our dreams, for what truly matters is the feeling of satisfaction in whatever we do, or whatever profession we choose.

As in the words of the great Steve Jobs “Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice”.

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The Pursuit Of Happyness (2006)

Don’t get lost in the grammar. The spelling mistake was done intentionally for a reason by the producers.

Will Smith plays the role of real-life entrepreneur Chris Gardner in the depression era of his life with his kid in search of a job that can provide for both of them. This movie follows all the real-life incidents Chris had to face from being a jobless man who couldn’t even pay a five dollar bill to becoming a self-made multi-millionaire.

This movie teaches us a lot in terms of failure that comes before success in every person’s life. One of the great messages it gives specifically for the Singaporean students is time management, as time is money and we keep losing it every second in this fast-paced life. Chris Gardner introduces unconventional ways of communicating with his clients as a stock broker, which saves him a lot of time in comparison to other colleagues and helps his company make great profit.

A Beautiful Mind (2001)

Receiving a Nobel Prize is an honor for every citizen of the world. But does a success like that come easily? The answer is No! Behind every achievement, there are a lot of ups and downs involved which can completely shape up the personality of a person. This is beautifully explained and elucidated in the movie ‘A Beautiful Mind’.

Academy Award winner Russel Crowe plays the unforgettable role of the real-life mathematician John Nash in his pursuit of an original idea at his time in Princeton and all the hardships he faced before truly being regarded as one of the most beautiful minds of the world.

The message being given in this movie is that the success and fame are not free and comes at a hefty cost. Students whilst working every day for countless hours should also be ready and train themselves for what is coming next, whether it fame or the limelight, as they don’t always come as expected and can put a strain on the young minds. But if dealt the right way, one can achieve the respect and regard that comes through all the hardships.

The Imitation Game (2015)

The movie follows the life of the acclaimed and highly influential Computer Scientist and Cryptanalyst, Alan Turing; a name synonymous with the Turing machine used today.

The movie is set in the World War II era when the allies were losing the war because of the machine named ENIGMA which was unbreakable, and Alan Turing, along with other individuals were given the task of decoding this machine. Alan Turing and his team had to face a lot backlash from their superiors as the time was limited and human lives were at stake, but they succeeded in doing it.

The message of motivation comes through how they did it and what procedures they adopted. Managing time and resources is another thing, but a human mind can do only so much even in its full potential.

The message that the movie gives to the students is about teamwork. Even a genius as Alan Turing, who designed the Code Breaker was not able to do all the work alone and was dependent on his partners. Along the way Mr. Turing had to cooperate with his team and the success and praise it brought them was worth it. As it is said that five fingers individually are spate but combine them and it makes a powerful fist.

The best thing about all the movies mentioned above is that they are based on true stories and real life incidents. Moreover, every movie gives a standard message for students that success will come eventually as long as the person is completely dedicated to what he does and never gives up!

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.