SmileTutor Blog Parents Private Tuition 101 How to Get the Most Out Of Home Tuition with Your Singapore Tutor

How to Get the Most Out Of Home Tuition with Your Singapore Tutor

So, you’ve found the perfect Singapore tutor (hopefully by using SmileTutor) and are ready to get started on your excellent home tuition sessions. But, you don’t know what you should do next! How do you go about preparing for a session with your home tutor so that you are able to gain the most that you can from your time together? Luckily, we are here to show you just how you can easily do this.

1. Be Prepared for the Tuition Session.

Singapore tutor

Make sure that you have all the necessary tools that you need readily available: books, paper, pencils, etc.

You should also be prepared by knowing what needs to be accomplished before you start. More than likely you will be focusing on a particular school subject or tuition assignment during your time with your home tutor and you should mentally be prepared and focused for the subject at hand.

Before you begin, fill your tutor in on the areas that you need the most help. Share with them what you have been struggling with in regards to the specific assignment that way they will have a better chance of actually helping you rather than taking a shot in the dark.

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You should also review the assignment or subject before your tutor arrives and make a list of questions that you plan to ask them during your session. Keeping the list on hand will help you remember the different things that you had planned to ask and will keep you from forgetting them while the tutor is present. Preparation is key.

2. Make Sure That You Are Paying Attention.

home tuition

In order to get the most out of your time with your private Singapore tutor, make sure that you are an active participant. The whole point in a tutor is to make sure that you understand the concepts and strategies that are being taught to you; not completing your assignment for you.

Talk to your tutor and explain your thought process. This may help them to understand more about the struggle that you are going through to learn the subject at hand and better methods that they can apply to help you learn them better. It can also help you to show the tutor your learning style so that they can adapt more to your personal needs.

3. Always Take Notes and Avoid Distractions.

tutors singapore

By taking notes, you will be able to recall important information later on down the road when you are by yourself. You will also be more encouraged to engage with your tutor and will be less inclined to become distracted if you are busy taking notes throughout the process as well.

When you have allowed SmileTutor to find the best home tutor for your needs, you will find that putting these tips in place are easy to do. Not only are the tutors that we provide knowledgeable and will help you to get your tuition on track, but you are likely to have a little bit of fun along the way.

Find your home tuition today!

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.