SmileTutor Blog Tutors Tutoring Tips 5 Ways to help Students Remember Geography Case Studies

5 Ways to help Students Remember Geography Case Studies

Most students particularly have a hard time as they take geography with tackling the case studies section of their exam. Other students, particularly those in years 10 and 11, might feel overwhelmed as they get towards the end of the entire course or a topic.

This feeling can come about once your child realizes that they have elaborate notes on numerous case studies for them to read through. How can a student avoid having a meltdown as exam time approaches? By choosing fewer key figures and dates to memorize for each case study will help them much.

The case studies that students will be expected to learn can differ from board to board as well as topic to topic. However, you cannot deny that they are an integral part of the geography courses. How can teachers, parents, and guardians help children learn and even remember both the general info and the all-important details?

Here is a look at 5 tried and tested yet very simple ideas to help your child remember what they read in Geography. Let’s dive in!

Use Images

Regardless of whether a particular pupil is a “visual learner” (several academics are now for the idea that we need to move away from the concept of learning styles). Well, there is much to be said for connecting visual stimuli to case studies. This can vary from geological maps of coastlines to help pupils remember the theory part of headland formation and bay. Also, it can be propaganda posters for reinforcing the mechanisms used in One Child Policy of the Chinese.

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Can images help a student remember things that they have read? Use of images will prompt memory and hence can be a very strong tool for learning case study materials. Few students might find drawing a story-board to be helpful. Yet others will choose to write notes all around a sketch or central photograph.

Pick Case Studies That Covers Many Themes In The Specification

Teachers and parents can help their students even before they embark on revising. How can you assist your students to remember case study material they have learned? By carefully choosing information that you teach, you can be able to help students recall what they have read. When one case study can cover at least 2 themes then it can be what turns things around for students in understanding and make the whole number easy to manage.

For instance for human geography, you can use the population policy in Thailand as a good example of the anti-natalist approach for bringing down birth rates (helpful for change in population themes). This can also serve as an example of how governments are managing the spread of HIV/AIDS (key to health issues topics and development).

Condensing Information On One Side

Writing out information on one side of A3 or A4 can be a very useful way of arranging the case study. It will make it easier for your student to memorize. By writing down notes, the student will be forced to read and process the material that will reinforce learning.

Moreover, by writing down case studies students can see whether there are gaps in the notes they have made or topics they don’t understand. Both of these are crucial as they prepare for examinations.

Creating mind maps on paper has the advantage of motivating students to note links within the topic or even between topics (hence identifying synoptic connections that are especially important on A2s). Finally, case studies on a paper are portable (best for revision during commutes) and can be stuck on bedroom walls.

Marking Up The Specifications

This approach is among the most helpful things that teachers can help support their students’ prep for the exams. Also, it’s so simple. How does marking up work in helping students in their studies? Get a copy of the specifications and indicate exactly where every case study will fit in. This can be done by hand or using the word processor as a table. By putting case studies in context is helpful and will enhance students geographical knowledge.

You can also give your students a blank specifications copy they do it on their own but make sure that all students have the correct copy on the first page of their notes as they prep for their exam. What can students do to ensure that they succeed in their geography paper? It is crucial that students select the correct case study for the corresponding question for their success.

Be Realistic

There are students that are fortunate enough since they have photographic memories. However, for many, unfortunately, they do not. Although parents and teachers are always encouraging students to pick up the detail (it is key to getting to the higher mark level for most specifications) it’s key that students keep everything in perspective. When a student attempts to cram numerous facts and figures they will be running the risk of experiencing a panic attack when the exam time approaches.

What can students do to avoid having a meltdown? It is advisable that students choose 3-5 key figures and dates to memorize for every case study. Certainly, this may depend on the level and topic that they’re working on. All in all, encourage students to avoid overloading their brains by cramming lots of info as they prepare for their exams.

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In Closing

Geography is among the few scientific subjects that involve in-depth studying. And this can be a major challenge for teachers and students alike as they make efforts in understanding the phenomena that encompass geographic occurrences. This has seen many students having a hard time as they tackle the geography case studies section of their exam. Other students, might get overwhelmed as they near the end of the course or topic.

Luckily there are several ways that teachers and parents can help students prep for their geography exam. What can students do to help remember things they have learned in case study prep? Use of images and picking case studies that address multiple issues are recommended.

For more student’s tips on how to cope with humanities exams, here are some great tips:

How to Make Learning History Interesting at Home?
How To Revise Geography Case Studies In A-Levels?



Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.