SmileTutor Blog Parents Private Tuition 101 5 Practical Tips for a Better Home Tuition Experience in Singapore

5 Practical Tips for a Better Home Tuition Experience in Singapore


Home Tuition is becoming increasingly common and has even become a necessity in Singapore. When parents are deciding on hiring home tutors, many issues arise.

There are plenty of options for hiring home tuition teachers. This is generally a good thing, but at the same, having many options can at times causes indecision and confusion on what is the best move.

Parents fail to realize that a lot of external factors are not in their control. Even tuition agencies cannot guarantee that the tuition will turn out well.

Thankfully, there are practical steps that parents can take in order to have the best tuition experience they can have. SmileTutor brings to you 5 practical steps to make the most out of your tuition!

Tip #1: Start home tuition early


If you even notice that your child is starting to struggle with certain aspects of their education, don’t be afraid to start seeking help early by beginning the process of looking through your current tuition options. Planning ahead will help your child receive more benefit from the tutor and you can avoid seeing a huge decline in their grades. Starting early gives the tutor crucial time to cover the fundamentals of each subject so that you child can have a strong foundation not just for the current exam but for further studies.

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2. Get to know your tutor during the first lesson

Your child will be the one spending the majority of the time with the tutor, so it is important that they mesh well together. Spending 15-20 minutes during the first lesson figuring out the teaching style and methods of the tutor together with your child can help you to determine if their personalities, teaching and learning styles match. Because home tuition is a very individualized service, sometimes the home tutor and student simply do not like each other. Hence, we always recommend that parents give tutors a try. You never know which tutor might work and which wouldn’t.

3. Communicate and provide personal guidance

Many parents are so preoccupied with work that they often neglect their child. It is important to keep communication frequent and open so that you can learn what your child is going through and any struggles they have in their studies. Your child may be too young to understand himself or herself and needs your guidance.

By constant communication with your child, you can find out your child’s problems in school and personal life and be able to take corrective actions if their personal life is affecting their studies. By asking good questions, you can also help your child identify what is working and what is not in their approach to studying, and make sure they are studying effectively. Sometimes, the problem is solved simply by studying more.

Tip #4: Gather tutor’s feedback regularly


Instead of eavesdropping on your student’s home tuition session, you should meet with your tutor monthly for tutor feedback. Parents who are non-judgmental and take steps to create an open line of communication can make a huge difference in their home tutor’s effectiveness. Home tutoring is an important job because the child’s education is at stake. Parents should not take this lightly and make sure they foster communication and feedback regularly.

Tip #5: Make sure your child does self-study

It is easy to become distracted when your child is not improving after tuition. Many parents try to solve this by getting more and more tuition teachers. However, the core issue may be that your child is simply not putting in any effort. Home tuition can only do so much. Your child needs to be motivated and be committed to self-improvement in order to benefit from tuition. Make sure that you know how much time they are spending so that you can make the right judgment.

So, there you go! 5 practical steps for a better home tuition experience. Make sure that you put them into action when you are planning your home tuition sessions with SmileTutor Tuition Agency!

Wish you the best of luck.

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.